
Functional Prototype (as of 4/19/17):

The core design of our VocalEyes web application consists of a one-page, single view web application. The goal is to eliminate having users scroll of refresh the page while singing or playing an instrument.

The web application consists of two main functioning components: recording and graphing. We have used JavaScript API’s to implement a recording feature with start, stop, volume, and duration controls. We are implementing Google charts, enhanced by updating, scaling, and function smoothing features.

A graph for each vibrato, tone, and pitch over time are shown in top to down order below the recording controls. Once the user chooses to start recording, all three graphs will become live and provide the user will real time data on their vibrato, tone, and pitch frequencies. This design is intended to be clear and concise so that the user is not confused by any extraneous information or data.

Paper Prototype:

Modular Components

  • Pitch Recognition
  • Audio Recording/Audio Playback
  • Vibrato Feedback

Unique feature is mainly the Vibrato Feedback

First two features are usually expected of music training software

All of the the features are expected to fit on the same screen