2021 DEBUT Challenge

Last Updated: 11/10/21

The DEBUT Challenge is a Biomedical Engineering challenge/contest hosted by The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering and VentureWell. The challenge was to design a product centered around solving a problem, whether it be a novel solution or an innovation on previous technology.

Our group, consisting of myself alongside my friends Samuel Kellner and Oliver Kelley, designed and (lightly, read below) tested a wallet condom case. I served as the CAD designer and testing consultant.

The Mission Statement of the Product:

Condom wallet storage is a chronic issue. The added friction and inclimate conditions deteriorate the structure of the condom and can lead to STI transmission and unintended pregnancy. Despite this, some studies show that around 20% of males carry a condom in their wallet. This can be attributed to two factors: Some men simply are not aware of the dangers associated with their actions  and others choose to neglect the facts for a more convenient solution to condom storage.

Our Solution:

A 3D printed case/sleeve designed to fit inside of a wallet and reduced the friction, compression, and climate problems associated with keeping condoms in wallets.

The Results:

Unfortunately, due to discovering the DEBUT challenge very late in the competition period as well as equipment problems at the University of Rochester, we were unable to test the case to the degree that we wanted to. We were, however, able to achieve a preliminary design and create a testing plan for our products. If you are interested in reading more about the project, the paper can be found below.
