Hi, I'm a final-year PhD student at the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences, Northwestern University. I received  B.S. and B.A. from Peking University in 2018.

My research: while data-driven decision-making is widely adopted in supply chain and revenue management, it is often questionably assumed the seller is a monopolist. When such policies are applied in the competitive real world, they can fail to maximize pay-offs. In many cases, "misapplied" policies even lead to algorithmic collusion and break antitrust laws. My research focuses on learning in competitive environments. I aim to unravel policies and mechanisms that drive sellers toward equilibrium or collusion, which can help sellers improve policies and assist regulators in overseeing market dynamics. 

I am on the 2024-2025 academic job market!

Contact: shukaili2024 [at] u.northwestern.edu 

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PhD student in operations research
Northwestern University