
Central Time

09:00-09:15AM Welcome

Moderator: Katarina Popovic

Session 1 | Interpretability and Shared Autonomy in HRI

09:15-10:15AM Invited Talks

1. Dorsa Sadigh | The Role of Learned Representations in Assistive Teleoperation

Stanford University

2. Sangeet Khemlani | Leveraging Conceptual Constraints for Interactive Robotics

Naval Research Laboratory

3. Brenna Argall | Alternatives and Extensions to Intent Inference

Northwestern University

10:15-10:45AM Panel Discussion

Moderator: Mahdieh Javaremi & Deepak Gopinath

10:45-11:15AM BYO Coffee/Tea Break (Offline)

11:15-11:45AM Contributed Talks

1. Assistive Handheld Robots: Remote Collaboration and Anticipation of User Intention [LINK]

J. Stolzenwald and W. W. Mayol-Cuevas | University of Bristol

2. A Bipolar Myoelectric Sensor-Enabled Human-Machine Interface Based On Spinal Module Activations [LINK]

X.Yin, C. Yi, F. Jiang, and C. Yang | Harbin Institute of Technology

3. Collaborative Human-Robot Exploration in Marine Environments [LINK]

J. Camilo*, G. Higuera*, T. Manderson*, K. Koreitem*, F. Shkurti** and G. Dudek* | McGill University*, University of Toronto**

11:45AM-12:15PM: BYO Lunch/Dinner Break (Offline)

Session 2: Inferring Intent

12:15-12:45PM Contributed Talks

1. Feature Expansive Reward Learning: Rethinking Human Input [LINK]

A. Bobu, M. Wiggert, C. Tomlin and A. D. Dragan | UC Berkeley

2. Leveraging knowledge asymmetries to evaluate synthesized gesture based communication in human-robot interaction [LINK]

N. DePalma* and J. Hodgins** | Facebook AI Research*, Carnegie Mellon University**

3. Understanding Intentions in Human Teaching to Design Interactive Task Learning Robots [LINK]

P. Ramaraj, M. Klenk and S. Mohan | Palo Alto Research Center

12:45-01:15PM BYO Coffee/Tea Break (Offline)

01:15-02:15PM Invited Talks

1. Guy Hoffman | Inferring Decision-Making Intentions for Human-Robot Interaction

Cornell University

2. Chris Baker | Theory of Mind for Autonomous Driving

iSee AI

3. Guy Rosman | Uncertainty-Aware Intent Prediction on the Road

Toyota Research Institute

02:15-02:45PM Panel Discussion

Moderator: Ola Kalinowska & Deepak Gopinath

02:45-03:00PM Closing Remarks

Moderator: Katarina Popovic