Research Workshop on Sustainable Society




What's Research Workshop on Sustainable Society at Musashi University?


Currently, policy recommendations regarding a sustainable society are being made in various fields within social sciences such as economics and political science. However, it must be said that integrated research activities, which fully understand the interactions and relationships between the proposed measures, are still insufficient. For the realization of a truly sustainable society, a more comprehensive research approach is socially demanded, which combines multidimensional analysis based on international research activities with interdisciplinary research findings. Therefore, this research group was established at Musashi University with the aim of fostering cross-disciplinary discussions to ensure sustainability in society and the economy, as well as to accelerate international research cooperation.


Workshop organizers: Ryo Kambayashi, Kenta Tanaka, Haruaki Hirota, Masao Tsuri, Satoshi Kasamatsu, Takaki Sato, Tomohiro Hara, Keita Abe

発表言語 (Language):日本語/English (スピーカーが選択/Speaker's choice)


Seminar schedules are provided on our email list. Register here.

セミナー予定 (2024年度)

Seminar Schedules (AY2024)

 江口匡太 (中央大学)

Kyota Eguchi (Chuo University)

日時 date:2024年4月18日(木 ThuGoogle Calendar

時間 time:17:00-18:30

タイトル title衆議院選挙制度改革が与えた候補者の広報戦略への影響:東京都選挙区「選挙公報」による分析

発表言語 language:日本語 Japanese

会場 venue:教授研究棟 03-G会議室  Room 03-G in Research Building

概要 abstract 1994年の衆議院選挙制度改革が候補者の広報戦略にどのような変化を与えたのかについて考える。衆議院選挙制度改革は候補者中心の選挙戦から政党中心の選挙戦への変化をもたらすと予想されていた。その結果、1)候補者は候補者個人の業績や能力よりも所属政党の公約を訴え、2)政策も地元への利益誘導よりも安全保障やエネルギーなどの国家レベルの論戦が行われると思われていた。そこで、1983年から2014年までの東京都の「選挙公報」を用いて、1)候補者名と所属政党名の表記の大きさ(面積率)と、2)地元に関する公約をコード化して検証を試みた。簡単なOLS推定によると、改革後には1)政党名は予想通り大きくなっていたが、候補者名も予想に反して大きくなっていた、2)地元への公約は予想通り減少していたが、自民党候補は他の候補に比べて地元への公約を訴えていたことが分かった。また、制度改革が行われなかった参議院選挙東京都選挙区の「選挙公報」と比較してみても、衆議院の候補者は改革後に候補者名を大きくしていた。

浅井 健太郎 (Paris School of Economics, France)

Kentaro Asai (Paris School of Economics)

日時 date:2024年59日( ThuGoogle Calendar

時間 time:17:10-18:40 ※通常と時間が異なります non-standard schedule timing

タイトル titleFirm-Level Effects of Reductions in Working Hours

発表言語 language:TBA

会場 venue:TBA

概要 abstract This paper examines how legislative reductions in working hours impact firms’ employment, output, and productivity. We exploit a Portuguese reform that reduced standard hours from 44 to 40 hours in 1996. Our findings indicate that the reform had adverse effects on the employment and output of affected firms. These effects can be attributed to a mechanical increase in hourly labor cost induced by the restriction imposed on firms to reduce monthly salaries along with hours. Treated firms adjusted their employment by reducing hiring. Furthermore, treated firms significantly improved hourly labor productivity, and there is some evidence suggesting an intensified use of capital. Firms that reduced working hours through collective agreements prior to the reform were able to increase productivity without adverse effects on employment and output. Together, these results show that working hour reductions can decrease employment for affected firms while simultaneously inducing a more efficient use of labor.

渡辺 誠  (京都大学)

Makoto Watanabe (Kyoto University)

日時 date:2024年5月23日( ThuGoogle Calendar

時間 time:16:30-18:00

タイトル title:TBA

発表言語 language:TBA

会場 venue:TBA

概要 abstract :TBA

Florian Diekert (University of Augsburg, Germany)

日時 date:2024年63日( MonGoogle Calendar ※通常と曜日が異なります non-standard schedule timing

時間 time:16:30-18:00

タイトル titleSubsidzing Compliance in an Open-Access Fishery

発表言語 languageEnglish

会場 venueIllegal, unreported and unregulated resource use is a major problem, especially in developing countries. We propose the use of subsidies to induce compliance. By making harvesting more compliant, the policy is designed to protect the resource even if it attracts new entry under open-access. We develop a theoretical model to identify the circumstances under which such a subsidy poliy is welfare-enhancing. Further, we develop a novel multiple price list mechanism to determine the subsidy required to induce demand for legal inputs, compensating resource users for productivity losses net of enforcement risk. Finally, we conduct a randomized intervention to assess the impact of the subsidy policy on fishers’ effort, catch, and revenue.

論文URL paper URL

概要 abstract :TBA

Arnaud LEFRANC (CY Cergy Paris Université, France)

日時 date:2024年6月20日( ThuGoogle Calendar

時間 time:16:30-18:00

タイトル title:TBA

発表言語 language:English

会場 venue:TBA

概要 abstract :TBA

富 蓉 (早稲田大学)

Rong Fu (Waseda University)

日時 date:2024年725日(木 ThuGoogle Calendar

時間 time:16:30-18:00

タイトル title:TBA

発表言語 language:TBA

会場 venue:TBA

概要 abstract :TBA


