The Breakdown


Week 1:

Day 1: Introduction to project & Pick Teams & Topic (this can be suggested by the student or they can pick from the list).

Day 2-4: Research (End of day 4 have product idea approved by teacher)

Day 5: Begin product construction

Week 2: Product construction of research: Schedule time with the Green Screen, Podcasting studio, makerspace etc.

Mid week check in with teacher & submission of drafted materials to Google Classroom.

Week 3: Day 1-2: Finishing touches of product & begin design process drafting sketches.

Day 2: Draft of sketches for assistive device due on Google Classroom. Teacher will provide feedback. Peers will also provide feedback on 2 classmate teams.

Day 3-5: Makerspace construction of assistive device.

Week 4: Presentations & Gallery Walk

Feedback provided by peers & final class vote on the device being printed on the 3D printer.

Photo of cells under microscope

Photo of diseased cells & researcher.

Photo of researcher with mask looking at test tube.


  1. Students will be divided into pairs, or if needed teams of three. Attention to pairing students who need additional support with the appropriate peers is suggested (potential teams of 3).
  2. Students will select a disease that interests the pair. Teacher can also provide options in Google Classroom. Teacher will pull names from a hat to determine who researches which disease.
  3. Teacher will review expectations of the project (rubric) & the timeline with the students. Teacher will also verbally review the digital resources available to the students for research reminding them how to cite sources and check for validity of websites.
  4. Students will create a Google Doc and share it with each other and the teacher for collecting research notes. Students will also use a research guide template to begin their research. Teacher will monitor & provide feedback as needed here in addition to walking around the room throughout the research time.
  5. Students will complete research & work on a digital product to demonstrate their understanding of the disease. (Suggestions are listed below).
  6. Students will then use the Design Guide to create ideas for their assistive device. Students will provide other groups feedback on their sketches and return to decide and modify their own design based on peer feedback.
  7. Students will spend time in the Makerspace, creating a prototype of the design. (A Makerspace is a space where there are supplies and tools available for free-inventing. This might include paper towel tubes, 3D printers, nails, wood, hammers etc. Read more about it HERE)
  8. Lastly, presentations will be conducted and a gallery walk with feedback from peers will also be conducted to vote on the device that should be printed on the 3D printer.

Digital Product Suggestions:

Google Sites Website

Google Presentation/Powtoon/Prezi


*Students may offer up additional suggestions.

Differentiated Options for Product:

Have a framework blocked out for Sites/Slides where you put beginning topic sentences and “fill in” text that student has to replace.

Provide a set of sites for where all research can be conducted.

Use the extension Google Read & Write to support research.

*Pair students to support one another.

Support for Research:

Use Google Read & Write Extension

Use resources found HERE.

Guided Research Worksheet (for all students) HERE.

Differentiated Options for Device:

Student can draw or construct online the device rather than use makerspace materials.

Student can use clay to sculpt device.

*Pair students to support one another.