About Me

With my unique background as a trained educator and artist I found my way into educational technology where both these skills come into play. 60% of the world are visual learners and I use my expertise as a designer to influence the resources and instructional materials I share with others. Currently, I work as the Digital Literacy & Computer Science Coordinator for a public school district in western Massachusetts. This role enables me to work with talented teachers in supporting their understanding of how best to incorporate technology to enhance education through programs like Global STEM, IT Innovation Pathways, Chromebook Device programs, robotics, 3-D printers and more.


Enrolled in Masters in Technology Education program at Boise State University. Certifications: Online Education, Technology Coordination.

2007-2008 36 Graduate credit hours Illustration at the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA.

2002-2007 B.S. Art Education Minors: Special Education & Women’s Studies at Miami University, Oxford, OH.