Twyning School - Newsletter 06.10.23

This week's news: Another week has flown by! The new classroom is looking exciting now that the cladding is finished. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend enjoying our lucky bit of October sunshine! See you next week.


Congratulations this week go to...

Millie Bartlam

Jack Williams

Olivia Bowers

Hayden Pollard

George Baker

Isla MacDonald

Dates for your Diary

Friday 13th October - Squirrels and Foxes trip to The Wilson Museum in Cheltenham

Mon 23rd October - Bikeability week for Year 5

Monday 23rd October - School Photos for all children - Vikki Kelly Photography

Tuesday 24th October - School Photos for all children - Vikki Kelly Photography

Friday 27th October - Last day of term 1

Monday 6th November - First day of term 2

Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th, Thursday 9th November - Parents evenings

Wednesday 15th November - School Discos (PTFA)

Tuesday 21st November - Bag 2 School Day (recycling bags will be handed out just before)

Wednesday 22nd November - PTFA  meeting in the school hall - AGM - all welcome!

Wednesday 22nd November - Flu Spray Day for all who have consented.

Tuesday 19th December - Whole school trip to the pantomime Beauty and The Beast, at The Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury.

Friday 22nd December - Last day of term

Communications update

We have recently updated our Parent Code of Conduct Policy. Please find a link to it here Parent Code of Conduct Policy. Many thanks.


parent governor vacancy

We have a vacancy for a parent governor which we need to fill as soon as possible.  Parent governors are elected by and from the parents of children currently attending our school.  They serve a four-year term of office and bring a very important and valued perspective to the work of the governing board.


You might like to look at the information for prospective governors on the Gloucestershire County Council website   Further information on the role can also be obtained through the school office.


The governing board has a vital role to play in making sure every child receives the best possible education. This is achieved by ensuring that governors have the necessary skills and commitment to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.  The particular skills that governing boards need will vary and will include personal qualities and capabilities, such as the capacity and willingness to learn and work as part of a team.  It is expected that governors will make use of the various training opportunities available to them and play a full part in the work of the governing board.


If you are interested in becoming a governor, contact the school office with your nomination (self nomination is acceptable), which will need to be with the school by 12.00 noon on Thursday 19 October 2023.


If there are more nominations than vacancies, a ballot will be held and you will be sent a voting paper.

Nominations forms are at the foot of this Newsletter or ask Mrs Bowen for one from the Office before or after school.


The second race of the season took place yesterday at the Vineyards. Again, we had a fantastic turn out of children representing the school. They were even more determined this week, showing incredible resilience to 'keep going when the going gets tough'. Well done to Elena who placed second again in the girls' race. Leo H and Leo N-S ran even harder this week, placing in 4th and 11th place respectively in the boys' race, which is amazing for year 4. Congratulations to all of our runners: Elena, Arianne, Tabitha, Scarlett, Vienna, Scarlett, Hallie, Florence, Leo H, Leo N-S, Freddie, Tom, Henry R, Josh W, Jack W, Sam O, Sam H, Theo, Oliver, Joseph, Alex, Bertie, Jude, Zane and Lewis.


Our PTFA are having their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 22nd November in the School Hall. 

Please come along if you can and find out what's invloved, how they have raised funds for our School, and what's planned for the next year's fund raising events.

Refreshments will be available!

New members and ideas are always welcomed.


We still have a huge pile of lost property! If you are missing any items of clothing please come and have a look through the box in the main reception area by Mrs Bowen's desk. Please remember to name your children's clothing. PE clothing is a particular issue - there are a few children who have lost their zip-up PE jackets - if you have found someone else's at home please bring it in to Mrs Bowen. 

Many thanks.

SCHOOL Dinners 

Please remember that all school dinner account balances should be in credit on parentpay at all times. Many thanks.

Before and After School Care

If you are using our paid Before & After School Care facility, balances should be cleared by the end of each month at the latest. Many thanks. If you use government vouchers please email Mrs Tingle at  to advise when you have made a payment, each time you do this. 

How do I register my child?

To register for Before or After School Club, please complete and send in the booking form which can be downloaded from our website or ask Mrs Bowen for a printed copy. These forms should be returned to Mrs Bowen at .


We have been notified that a recent Gloucestershire County Council website update has meant that weblinks have changed since the Transfer to Secondary School letters were printed and distributed. If you have not yet uploaded your choices, please use this new link 

Transfer to Secondary School or from Middle to High School, September 2024 | Gloucestershire County Council

Some useful links:

If you believe your family to be eligible for Free School Meals, please click on this link:

Health and sickness information "Is my child too ill for school?"   

Register for School Milk:


Please feel free to make contact with me via email should you need to speak to me. During evenings and weekends, I may not be able to respond to you straight away but I will make contact with you during normal working hours as soon as I can. Many thanks for all of your support.

Kindest regards 

Mrs Lucy Halling, Headteacher