Twyning School - Newsletter 20.10.23

This week's news: Another week has flown by! The new build is almost done and we are planning on starting to move things over later next week. There is a lot of information in the newsletter this week - we hope you enjoy reading!

head teacher's award

I am very proud to present the prestigious Head Teacher's award to someone who is considerate, kind and caring. She always puts her best effort into her learning, helping others along the way. Well done to 

🌟 Maisie Bartlam 🌟


Congratulations this week go to...

Keira Nottage

Vienna King

Elena Williams

Poppy Young

Harrison Bowers

William Blackman

Grace Gissane

Edward Reeves

George Reeves

Olivia Jones

Dates for your Diary

Mon 23rd October - Bikeability week for Year 5

Monday 23rd October - School Photos for all children - Vikki Kelly Photography

Tuesday 24th October - School Photos for all children - Vikki Kelly Photography

Friday 27th October - Last day of term 1

Monday 6th November - First day of term 2

Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th, Thursday 9th November - Parents evenings

Friday 10th November - Harvest Festival in the school hall 2pm

Wednesday 15th November - School Discos (PTFA)

Thursday 16th November - New reception 2024 parents information evening in the hall

Friday 17th November - Non Uniform Day - bring a bottle or chocolates for Christmas Fair.

Tuesday 21st November - Bag 2 School Day (recycling bags will be handed out just before)

Wednesday 22nd November - PTFA  meeting in the school hall - AGM - all welcome!

Wednesday 22nd November - Flu Spray Day for all who have consented.

Friday 24th November - Non Uniform Day - bring a gift for the secret wrapping room

Saturday 2nd December - School Christmas Fair.

Tuesday 19th December - Whole school trip to the pantomime Beauty and The Beast, at The Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury.

Friday 22nd December - Last day of term

Next years Bag2School days - 19th January and 19th April 2024

school photographer visiting monday and tuesday. younger siblings welcome!

On Monday and Tuesday, our School photographer, Vikki Kelly, will be in school to take the Children's photos. If you have a younger sibling you would like photographed with your child, please bring them along at 8:30am when these photos will be taken. If your children are all in school, we will arrange for sibling groups to be photographed during the school day. Many thanks. If your child has PE they still need to wear School Uniform, but with trainers (which will be removed for the photographs anyway). 

parent governor vacancy update

Nominations closed yesterday, 19th October. We will update you as soon as possible with the outcome. 

we got our book signed!

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bowen attended a talk at the weekend at the Cheltenham Literature Festival by Dr Alex George, an A&E and TV Doctor and Ambassador for Mental Health to 10 Downing Street.  He was kind enough to sign and dedicate our school copy of 'A Better Day', his book written for children about Positive Mental Health.  They spoke to him about a possible visit to our school, and are hopeful that this might happen so watch this space - it may take a while, but we are on his list!

He mentioned in his talk about a very useful website full of links to various groups, agencies and places to go when you need help or just need to talk.  doctor and ambassador for Mental Health

school disco - neon disco

Booking forms have gone out to children for our school disco, which this season will have the theme 'NEON DISCO' instead of Halloween, due to the hall not being available until after we start back in November. Please complete and return booking forms and cash as soon as possible. If you can help at either disco, please see Mrs Bowen or email her at  Thank you.

your ptfa needs you!

A huge THANK YOU goes to each and everyone of you who have helped our PTFA to raise nearly £6000 last year! We have just ordered some new playground items and playtime equipment, and the PTFA have agreed to part-funding a much needed canopy to cover the new Rabbits outdoor play area. 

New committee members are always needed, and if you wish to find out more, please come along to the PTFA AGM which is being held in the school hall on Wednesday 22nd November at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be available.

If you don't want to join the committee but just want to see what the PTFA is about, please also fell free to come along.

We look forward to seeing you all at the AGM! Please come!

SCHOOL Dinners 

Please remember that all school dinner account balances should be in credit on parentpay at all times. Many thanks.

The new menu for next term is now on our website. If you need a printed copy please ask Mrs Bowen in the office.

clubs for term 2 (nov-dec)

Please see the following for clubs after half term. These will run for six weeks from 6th November until the 15th December:

Monday - Taskmaster Y5-6 (Mr Davies)

Monday - Multi-sports Y1-3 (Move More coach – Mr Rowson)

Tuesday - Young Voices Y4-6 (Mrs Mulligan)

Tuesday - Dance club Y1-3 (Miss Copson)

Thursday - Book club Y1-3 (Mrs Bourton)

Friday - Netball Y4-6 (Mrs Leggett)

Pupils already attending Young Voices and Netball do not need to sign up again. 

All other clubs are new, so please email Mrs Bowen with requests 

Due to parents evenings, Young Voices and Dance will not take place on Tuesday 7th November, but will start the week after.

Christmas fair - 02 dec 23

Our staff and PTFA are busy planning for this years Christmas Fair which was a great success last year. 

We will be holding two non-uniform days where children can wear their own clothes in exchange for bringing in an item for the fair.

Friday 17th November - bring a chocolate item and/or a bottle for our ever popular chocolate and bottle tombolas

Friday 24th November - bring a gift for the 'secret wrapping room'. 

For those who have not experienced the secret wrapping room before, the children pay a small amount to go into 'Elfridges' (a classroom, staffed by teachers) and choose, wrap and label a gift they can then give to you at Christmas! Gifts are normally on sale for up to £5.

Teddy tombola:  We will also have a 'teddy tombola' so if you have any clean, suitable teddies/soft toys that you are able to donate, please bring them in to Mrs Bowen in the office at any time.

Raffle: Our ever-popular raffle will also be a feature this year, so if you are able to donate anything suitable (bottle, chocolates, mince pies, christmas cake or anything suitably festive) please bring your donations to Mrs Bowen in the office.

Before and After School Care

If you are using our paid Before & After School Care facility, balances should be cleared by the end of each month at the latest. Many thanks. If you use government vouchers please email Mrs Tingle at  to advise when you have made a payment, each time you do this. 

How do I register my child?

To register for Before or After School Club, please complete and send in the booking form which can be downloaded from our website or ask Mrs Bowen for a printed copy. These forms should be returned to Mrs Bowen at .

can you help ?

One of our school parents, Maddy Irwin, is looking for help to make up winter packages with the children she works with at Alderman Knight School. The children have chosen to help support “Gloucestershire NightStop” a charity which helps support 16-25 year olds, battling homelessness.

Maddy says " Our plan of action is to make Winter Packages for them, as well as Christmas Shoe Boxes (we’d like to include items that would brighten up someone’s day who unfortunately is battling with homelessness).

Can you help by donating any of the following?:

- any miniature toiletries

- any non-perishable foods suitable for the homeless community

- Christmas treats

- small Christmas gifts

- blankets

-hand warmers



We would really welcome your support, anything that you do have could please be dropped off to Cedarcroft (house next to the school) or I can arrange pick up!  Our plan is to deliver these packages by mid December! We will include cards from us, and letters of hope/inspiration.

Thank you so much, for supporting a fantastic school, but also an amazing charity!

Maddy, Elena and the boys! ” 

change to menu 6th nov 2023

On Monday 6th November, the menu will be different to the menu advertised.

Dinner will have a 'bonfire night' theme:

Choice A:  'BOOM!' burger with firecracker wedges and banging peas! 

Choice B:  Vegan 'BOOM!' burger with firecracker wedges and banging peas!

Choice C:  Jacket Potato with the usual fillings.

Pudding: Cookie or fruit selection.

Please note: the firecracker wedges are not spicy!

free app to help and support young people to fight fears & manage worries. 

Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage is an engaging child-led, parent/guardian supported therapeutic intervention that can be used on most smartphones or tablets. Lumi Nova is designed to help children and young people with mild to moderate levels of anxiety. If your child struggles with worry, they may seem to fear the worst in specific situations, they may lack the confidence to cope with new challenges in those situations, and they may even often complain of tummy aches, muscle aches, or headaches in response to a specific worry. Lumi Nova is not suitable to help children or young people with complex needs or whose generalised worry prevents them from participating in most day-to-day activities. It is not designed to help young people in crisis.

From 17th October, Lumi Nova will be free for all families across Gloucestershire.  Gloucestershire NHS have partnered with BFB Labs to offer free access to Lumi Nova for children aged 7-12 facing difficulties with fears, worries or anxiety. Click on the link above to download and find out more.

Some useful links:

If you believe your family to be eligible for Free School Meals, please click on this link:

Health and sickness information "Is my child too ill for school?"   

Register for School Milk:

A collection of links to find and get help in all sorts of situations from Anxiety, Health related, young persons help, depression and much more: 


Please feel free to make contact with me via email should you need to speak to me. During evenings and weekends, I may not be able to respond to you straight away but I will make contact with you during normal working hours as soon as I can. Many thanks for all of your support.

Kindest regards 

Mr Mark Davies, Deputy Headteacher