Twyning School - Newsletter 26.04.2024

Here is this week's news:   

Thank you for your support of our fundraising cake and plant sale - we could not do this without you either donating or purchasing from the sale!

Governor voting forms for a Parent Governor have been sent out with children today - please check your child's bookbag for the orange form (forms were handed to each eldest sibling, one per parent). A ballot box will be available from Monday to post your voting form into, or if you prefer please drop your form into the blue post box on the back door of school (opposite the shop).

Have a lovely weekend and hopefully the weather is kind to us again!


Congratulations this week go to...

Isiah Smith

Grace Gissane

Oliver Taylor-Ball

Evie Simmons

Sam Owens

Joe Tizard

Evelyn Shingler

Henry Wheeler

Willow O'Hanlon

Dates for your Diary

2nd May - John Moore Museum visiting us (WW2 History)

6th May - Bank Holiday - School closed

7th May - Wildlife Quiz  (representatives from Owls)

8th May - PTFA Extraordinary General Meeting 7pm in School hall - all welcome

Monday 20th - Wednesday 22nd May - Years 5&6 residential at the Pioneer Centre, Cleobury Mortimer.

27th - 31st May - Half Term Holiday

3rd June - 'Life Education Bus' visit

5th June - Bingo Night! PTFA run event in School hall 6:30pm for a 7pm start - see poster below.

7th June - John Moore Museum 'Toys' Workshop visiting us

18th June - Tewkesbury Athletics Championships  (Y3-6 selected children TBA)

Wednesday 3rd July - Sports day at 1pm 

4th July - John Moore Museum 'Nature' Workshop visiting us 

Wednesday 10th - Thursday 11th July - Years 3&4 residential at Noah's Ark children's venture, Macaroni Wood. 

22nd July - INSET DAY - School closed

23rd July - 30th August - Summer Holidays

2nd and 3rd September - INSET DAYS - School closed

places available!

We still have spaces in our Reception Class for September 2024. If you know anyone who still needs a space for this September, and would like their child to join our fantastic new Early Years classroom please ask them to call the school office for details on 01684 293577.

sportshall athletics

Well done to the children in years 5 &6 who took part in a recent Sportshall athletics competition at the University of Gloucestershire arena. Every child competed in 6 events, 3 track and 3 field. They worked superbly as a team, encouraging and supporting each other. We were delighted with our 4th place (out of 7 schools) as all others there (mainly Cheltenham schools) are much bigger schools than ourselves. Congratulations go to Elena, Evie, Amelia, Tabitha, Arianne, Vienna, Teddy, Freddie, Sam O, Joseph, Elliott E-C and Jasper.

new age kurling

Five children from Hedgehogs took part in a New Age Kurling festival at Cheltenham Ladies College Health and Fitness centre. New Age Kurling is a hard floor adaptation of the ice based curling sport.There were nine schools there from Tewkesbury and Cheltenham districts. We played games against Carrant Brook, Hesters Way and Naunton Park. The children had a great time and returned with medals and certificates. Well done to Lewis, Kellan, Ethan, Zane and Alex.

tag rugby

On Tuesday nine children took part in the Tewkesbury tag rugby festival at Tewkesbury rugby club. We played seven matches in total, winning two, drawing one and narrowly losing four, mostly by one try. The children played really well with great team spirit and supporting each other. Jasper received a medal for demonstrating the School Games values (respect, honesty, determination, passion, self-belief and teamwork). Well done to Jasper, Joseph, Sam O, Josh, Henry W, Stephanie, Evie, Elena and Tabitha. 

Times table Rockstars! (TTRS)

This week we have introduced Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to Times Table Rockstars! 

This is an incredibly exciting website/application that enables pupils to learn and revisit their multiplication and division facts. We believe that learning times tables is so important to building a deeper understanding of mathematical knowledge and therefore we are delighted to be able to give pupils the chance to use this program at both home and school.

Every child in Y3-6 has been given a login and is able to access this at home to work on their times tables. There are weekly competitions that teachers have created and below are some details about the next competition starting TODAY!!!

TTRS - Competition update...

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - get yourselves ready for a new Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) battle. This competition starts at 3.15pm today and ends next Friday morning! The winning year group will be announced in assembly next week and on the newsletter next week!

coats and p.e. tops

Please can children bring coats every day. They also need a tracksuit top or school sweatshirt for PE and sporting clubs over their t-shirt. We are outside now but it is still cold at times. There are a few unnamed PE tops currently in the lost property box - if you have lost one, please come and have a look!

please come along!

Please come to our PTFA Extraordinary General Meeting on Wednesday 8th May in the school hall. 


Please see below  some useful links to a few excellent wellbeing and mental health resources and an amazing digital therapy app for children: 

SCHOOL Dinners 

The cost of a school dinner increased to £2.71 with effect from 8th April 2024.

If you believe your child may be entitled to free school meals, please look at this link 

Menus for this term are now available from the school website - click to download or ask at the office for a printed copy. 

Please remember that all school dinner account balances should be in credit at all times. Many thanks. If your child's account is overdrawn please could you log in and clear the outstanding balance over the weekend? Many thanks.

bingo night! 

Our PTFA are busy organising a fabulous Bingo Night! They are planning on having a bar, and selling cakes and bakes too. We are very much looking forward to this! For tickets please email .

Pupil Fundraising for CHeltenham Animal Shelter.

One of our Year 6 pupils, Freddie, has decided to raise some money for a fantastic cause. Freddie is doing a sponsored litter pick for Cheltenham Animal Shelter! 

He will be picking litter around Twyning during May half term. He is hoping to raise £150 for the animal shelter to help support the great work that the charity do. 

If you would like to donate towards Freddie's litter pick. Please follow this link:

gloucestershire libraries

Before and After School Care - Price Increase

Fees for our before and after school care facility are increasing from September 2024 to £3.50 for a morning session and £7 for an afternoon session. We have kept the price stable for the last 2 years.

Balances should be cleared by the end of each month at the latest. Many thanks. If you use government vouchers please email Mrs Tingle at  to advise when you have made a payment, each time you do this. 

How do I register my child?

To register for Before or After School Club, please complete and send in the booking form which can be downloaded from our website or ask Mrs Bowen for a printed copy. These forms should be returned to Mrs Bowen at .

families in partnership newsletter 

In April’s newsletter you will find the latest updates, news and developments for families in the local area. This includes updates on a new Special School in Gloucester, 2-year-old Childcare Funding Expansion, Post 16 options information and lots more as helpful information for you and your family.  

Safeguarding and E-Safety

It is important to continue to 'make a noise about bullying' and we hope that this link to the BBC's anti-bullying resources will be useful.

We would also like to bring to your attention a helpful guide on finding the ratings of online games and social media applications. This is a universal guide for any entertainment content:,deemed%20suitable%20for%20adults%20only.

Some useful links:

If you believe your family to be eligible for Free School Meals, please click on this link:

Health and sickness information "Is my child too ill for school?"   

Register for School Milk:

A collection of links to find and get help in all sorts of situations from Anxiety, Health related, young persons help, depression and much more: 


Please feel free to make contact with me via email should you need to speak to me. During evenings and weekends, I may not be able to respond to you straight away but I will make contact with you during normal working hours as soon as I can. Many thanks for all of your support.

Kindest regards 

Miss L Gladstone
