Twyning School - Newsletter 24.11.23

This week's news: Another busy week has flown by. We have had a sneak peak at the book fair trolleys and are looking forward to opening the shop after school on Monday. Preparations for the Christmas fair are well underway and the children are getting excited. Thank you all so much for your kind and generous donations for our Christmas fair stalls. 


Congratulations this week go to...

Naomi Gordge

Sam Owens

Lydia Wilson

Henry Dartnell

Fletcher Woods

Dates for your Diary

Monday 27th November until Wednesday 29th November - Scholastic Book Fair in School after school each day.

Saturday 2nd December - School Christmas Fair 12:00 to 3pm

Wednesday 6th December - Recorders and Violin Performance (Years 2 and 3) - 2.15pm in the hall

Wednesday 13th December - Rabbits, Squirrels and Foxes Nativity performance 2pm in the hall

Thursday 14th December - Rabbits, Squirrels and Foxes Nativity performance 10am in the hall

Monday 18th December - Hedgehogs and Owls Christmas Carol Concert at St Mary Magdalene's Church 6pm

Tuesday 19th December - Whole school trip to the pantomime Beauty and The Beast, at The Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury (coaches will transport)

Wednesday 20th December - School Christmas lunch (see below)

Wednesday 20th December - Ukulele performance (Year 1) 2.30pm in the hall.

Friday 22nd December - Last day of term

Next years Bag2School days - 19th January and 19th April 2024

book fair in school next week!

We are pleased to welcome the Scholastic Book Fair back to Twyning School! The book fair will be in school Monday to Wednesday from 3:15pm when you will be able to browse and purchase children's books from an amazing selection. Payment can be made by cash or online using a scannable QR code, or you can purchase pre-paid book vouchers from the website

School will earn free books when you buy!

Christmas fair - 02 dec 23

We are busy planning for this years Christmas Fair. Thank you for your tombola donations today!

Teddy tombola:  We will also have a 'teddy tombola' so if you have any clean, suitable teddies/soft toys that you are able to donate, please bring them in to Mrs Bowen in the office at any time.

Raffle: Our ever-popular raffle will also be a feature this year, so if you are able to donate anything suitable (bottle, chocolates, mince pies, Christmas cake or anything suitably festive) please bring your donations to Mrs Bowen in the office. (The raffle will be drawn closer to Christmas)

We are really looking forward to the fair, especially the pulled pork and pigs in blankets - if its anything like last year, it will be amazing!

christmas fair helpers & bakers

We would like to have a cake stall at the fair - if you are a keen baker and can bake a few cakes or biscuits, please bring them to the office on Friday or at the start of the fair. Thank you in advance.

We still need a few more helpers for our Christmas Fair next Saturday. If you can help on a stall, even if for an hour, please can you let Mrs Bowen know, or email Many thanks.

food bank donation

The foodbank were very grateful to receive our donation of jars, packets, bottle, and the cash we raised at our Harvest Assembly! Thank you all for your generosity! Thank you to Henry Smith and his Mum for kindly taking the donations to the foodbank on our behalf.

tickets for father christmas

Children have been sent home with an order form for Grotto tickets. Advance tickets are £2.50 which include a visit to Father Christmas in his grotto, and a gift. Tickets on the day are £3 each. Please book early if you can so that can make sure the elves make enough presents!  Forms should be handed in to Mrs Bowen in the school office. Many thanks.

school photos

Thank you to those who have returned their order forms for children's photographs. These have been collected today and any stragglers will be collected on Monday so if you've not yet filled out your order, please do so and bring to the office first thing on Monday morning. Many thanks.

year 3 & 4 football league 1

On Tuesday, we took a team to the first part of the Tewkesbury Y3&4 football league at Tewkesbury Academy. The children played superbly, with amazing determination and team cohesion. They won 3 out of the 4 matches and the results of these will carry forward to league 2 in the Spring. Very well done to Bertie, Leo N-S, Leo H, Jesse, Oliver, Theo, Isla, and Joe.

bag 2 school day!

Thank you to everyone who brought bags in for collection. We raised £90. 

twyning playgroup presents

paper bag stars and pinwheels with "helen nightingale creates"

Learn to make stunning, statement paper decorations at this creative Christmas workshop. Have fun crafting your own set of hanging stars and pinwheels and learn the skills to make many more at home. A warm welcome awaits at this relaxed event and Helen will be on hand to help and advise.

We will provide mulled wine and sweet treats. 

Tickets are £35.

Monday 4th December 7.30pm at Twyning Village Hall.

We have very limited tickets so please get in touch as soon as possible (

All profits go to Twyning Playgroup to support resources and more!

Royal british legion

Thank you all for your purchases from the Royal British Legion Poppy box that was in school a few weeks ago. Together we raised an amazing £198.14!! 

SCHOOL Dinners 

Please remember that all school dinner account balances should be in credit on parentpay at all times. Many thanks.

The new menu for this term is now on our website. If you need a printed copy please ask Mrs Bowen in the office.

Safeguarding and E-Safety

Although Anti-Bullying week was last week, we have still been discussing it and making it relevant across our classrooms. 

It is important to continue to 'make a noise about bullying' and we hope that this link to the BBC's anti-bullying resources will be useful.

We would also like to bring to your attention a helpful guide on finding the ratings of online games and social media applications. This is a universal guide for any entertainment content:,deemed%20suitable%20for%20adults%20only.

Before and After School Care

If you are using our paid Before & After School Care facility, balances should be cleared by the end of each month at the latest. Many thanks. If you use government vouchers please email Mrs Tingle at  to advise when you have made a payment, each time you do this. 

How do I register my child?

To register for Before or After School Club, please complete and send in the booking form which can be downloaded from our website or ask Mrs Bowen for a printed copy. These forms should be returned to Mrs Bowen at .

Some useful links:

If you believe your family to be eligible for Free School Meals, please click on this link:

Health and sickness information "Is my child too ill for school?"   

Register for School Milk:

A collection of links to find and get help in all sorts of situations from Anxiety, Health related, young persons help, depression and much more: 


Please feel free to make contact with me via email should you need to speak to me. During evenings and weekends, I may not be able to respond to you straight away but I will make contact with you during normal working hours as soon as I can. Many thanks for all of your support.

Kindest regards 

Mr Mark Davies, Acting Headteacher