Twyning School - Newsletter 10.11.23

This week's news: Welcome back to a fresh new term at Twyning School! We hope you have enjoyed coming into school this week for both parents evening meetings and our Harvest Festival assembly.


Congratulations this week go to...

Holly Parkinson

Henry Rudgley

Xander Bourton

Elodie Gordge

Joe Tizard

Keira Robinson

Jude Hastings

Dates for your Diary

Monday 13th November - Odd Socks Day (see below) 

Wednesday 15th November - School Discos (PTFA)

Thursday 16th November - New reception 2024 parents information and open evening in the hall 6pm

Friday 17th November - Non Uniform Day - bring a bottle or chocolates for Christmas Fair.

Tuesday 21st November - Bag 2 School Day (recycling bags will be handed out just before)

Wednesday 22nd November - PTFA  meeting in the school hall - AGM - all welcome!

Wednesday 22nd November - Flu Spray Day for all who have consented.

Friday 24th November - Non Uniform Day - bring a gift for the secret wrapping room

Monday 27th November - Thursday 30th November - Scholastic Book Fair in School after school each day.

Saturday 2nd December - School Christmas Fair.

Wednesday 13th December - Rabbits, Squirrels and Foxes Nativity performance 2pm in the hall

Thursday 14th December - Rabbits, Squirrels and Foxes Nativity performance 10am in the hall

Monday 18th December - Hedgehogs and Owls Christmas Carol Concert at St Mary Magdalene's Church 6pm

Tuesday 19th December - Whole school trip to the pantomime Beauty and The Beast, at The Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury.

Wednesday 20th December - School Christmas lunch (see below)

Friday 22nd December - Last day of term

Next years Bag2School days - 19th January and 19th April 2024

harvest festival

Thank you all for coming to our Harvest Festival! The children were amazing, as always. We hope you enjoyed watching them. From the sale of the fruit and vegetables, we raised an amazing £127 for the foodbank and will also take all the tins and packets along too. Many thanks.

Anti-Bullying Week

Next week is national Anti-Bullying week and we are joining many schools across the country in highlighting this, taking part in activities to understand the types and effects of bullying and promoting acts of kindness. Our school health committee will be leading an assembly on Monday to introduce the week, celebrating our differences by joining in with 'Odd socks day'. 

Please can all children come to school on Monday in their usual uniform or PE kit but with odd socks and in bright colours if possible.

school disco - neon disco

We are looking forward to our NEON disco, which is next week! If you've not already done so, please complete and return booking forms and cash as soon as possible. If you can help at either disco, please see Mrs Bowen or email her at  Thank you.

There will be sweets and popcorn available to buy as usual, plus some NEON goodies. Face painting will also be available. 

playgroup tea party!

Twyning Village Playgroup are holding a Tea Party and play event in aid of Children in Need.

You do not need to have a child in Playgroup, all are welcome but parents/guardians of children who are not on roll for the session will remain responsible for their children at all times.

We look look forward to seeing new and familiar faces .

Twyning Playgroup.

reception 2024 information and open evening

We are delighted to be able to welcome parents into school on Thursday 16th November for our school information evening. Beginning at 6pm, we will have a short talk and presentation in the hall followed by a tour of the school.

ESFA Tewkesbury Football TOurnament

On Tuesday, a team of Y5 and 6 footballers attended a football tournament at Tewkesbury school. They competed so well, drawing two games and losing two games against larger schools than ourselves. I was so proud of how well they gelled as a team and how supportive they were of each other, never letting their heads drop even when the going got tough. Elliott and Tom were superb in goal, saving many shots, and Tom was noticed by the Move More organiser and awarded a medal for his efforts. 

Well done to Elliott E-C, Tom, Joseph, Amelia, Sam O, Jasper, Teddy and Freddie.

Mrs Leggett

children in need - 17 nov

On Friday 17th November we will be challenging children with a dance-a-thon at break time. We will have a collection bucket on the door in the morning and after school for any voluntary contributions you may like to donate. If you would prefer to donate online please click on this link   Thank you!

SCHOOL Dinners 

Please remember that all school dinner account balances should be in credit on parentpay at all times. Many thanks.

The new menu for this term is now on our website. If you need a printed copy please ask Mrs Bowen in the office.

lost property

Please can you all have a good look for any items of school clothing that belong to other children? We are looking for a pair of grey 'cargo style' school shorts (button fastened) with NS written on the label, and two other children still have a couple of zip-up PE tops missing. Many thanks for looking.

year 5&6 residential 2024

Please can those who have not yet responded send back your consent forms and pay your deposit. Many thanks.

your ptfa needs you!

A huge THANK YOU goes to each and everyone of you who have helped our PTFA to raise nearly £6000 last year! We have just ordered some new playground items and playtime equipment, and the PTFA have agreed to part-funding a much needed canopy to cover the new Rabbits outdoor play area. 

New committee members are always needed, and if you wish to find out more, please come along to the PTFA AGM which is being held in the school hall on Wednesday 22nd November at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be available.

If you don't want to join the committee but just want to see what the PTFA is about, please also fell free to come along.

We look forward to seeing you all at the AGM! Please come!

school photos

Hopefully you have all seen your children's photograph proofs which were sent home earlier this week. Please can you return your orders and payment to the school office by the 24th November. Many thanks.

Christmas fair - 02 dec 23

Our staff and PTFA are busy planning for this years Christmas Fair which was a great success last year. 

We will be holding two non-uniform days where children can wear their own clothes in exchange for bringing in an item for the fair.

Friday 17th November - bring a chocolate item and/or a bottle for our ever popular chocolate and bottle tombolas

Friday 24th November - bring a gift for the 'secret wrapping room'. 

For those who have not experienced the secret wrapping room before, the children pay a small amount to go into 'Elfridges' (a classroom, staffed by teachers) and choose, wrap and label a gift they can then give to you at Christmas! Gifts are normally on sale for up to £5.

Teddy tombola:  We will also have a 'teddy tombola' so if you have any clean, suitable teddies/soft toys that you are able to donate, please bring them in to Mrs Bowen in the office at any time.

Raffle: Our ever-popular raffle will also be a feature this year, so if you are able to donate anything suitable (bottle, chocolates, mince pies, Christmas cake or anything suitably festive) please bring your donations to Mrs Bowen in the office.

Before and After School Care

If you are using our paid Before & After School Care facility, balances should be cleared by the end of each month at the latest. Many thanks. If you use government vouchers please email Mrs Tingle at  to advise when you have made a payment, each time you do this. 

How do I register my child?

To register for Before or After School Club, please complete and send in the booking form which can be downloaded from our website or ask Mrs Bowen for a printed copy. These forms should be returned to Mrs Bowen at .

Safeguarding and E-Safety

Anti-Bullying week is next week (13th - 17th November). We will be starting the week off with an assembly to introduce Anti-Bullying week. There will also be class activities that are being completed throughout the week.

It is important to 'make a noise about bullying' and we hope that this link to the BBC's anti-bullying resources will be useful.

Some useful links:

If you believe your family to be eligible for Free School Meals, please click on this link:

Health and sickness information "Is my child too ill for school?"   

Register for School Milk:

A collection of links to find and get help in all sorts of situations from Anxiety, Health related, young persons help, depression and much more: 


Please feel free to make contact with me via email should you need to speak to me. During evenings and weekends, I may not be able to respond to you straight away but I will make contact with you during normal working hours as soon as I can. Many thanks for all of your support.

Kindest regards 

Mr Mark Davies, Acting Headteacher