Twyning School - Newsletter 21.03.2024

This week's news:  

We have made it to the end of term! Thank you for all your support and good wishes following my return to school full time. 

Mrs Bowen and the children have been selling raffle tickets for our PTFA Easter Raffle this week.  The winners of the Easter hampers were drawn by Mr Parry Jones this afternoon and are Zane Catchpole and Lillie Hopkins! We are very grateful to our PTFA who have kindly bought an Easter Egg for every child in the school- these have been given out in this afternoon's assembly. Thank you so much, PTFA!

Please note that we are in the Ofsted Inspection 'window' and we are expecting them to visit us in the coming weeks or months. They will telephone us to inform us the day before their visit and at that point we will send you further information including a parental survey that they will ask to be completed. As a team, we are looking forward to this long-awaited visit so that we can share all of the school's successes and excellent practice - we are extremely confident that it will be a successful inspection. 


Congratulations this week go to...

Elena Williams

Keira Robinson

Lea Williams

Nika Ryzhuk

Jesse Wilcox

Poppy Young

Zane Catchpole

head teacher's award

Huge congratulations to Joseph Wilcox who has received a special award today in recognition of his outstanding hard work and being a good role model to others!

Dates for your Diary

22nd March - INSET DAY - School closed

25th March - 5th April - Easter Holidays

13th April - PTFA Jumble Sale in school hall - see poster below 

19th April - Bag2School day 

6th May - Bank Holiday - School closed

8th May - PTFA Extraordinary General Meeting 7pm in School hall - all welcome

Monday 20th - Wednesday 22nd May - Years 5&6 residential at the Pioneer Centre, Cleobury Mortimer.

27th - 31st May - Half Term Holiday

5th June - Bingo Night! PTFA run event in School hall 6:30pm for a 7pm start - see poster below.

Wednesday 3rd July - Sports day at 1pm 

Wednesday 10th - Thursday 11th July - Years 3&4 residential at Noah's Ark children's venture, Macaroni Wood. 

22nd July - INSET DAY - School closed

23rd July - 30th August - Summer Holidays

2nd and 3rd September - INSET DAYS - School closed

clubs for next term!

These will start in the second week after Easter from Monday 15th April. Please email Mrs Bowen on with requests. Cooking is for children who did not do it this term, numbers are limited and there is a £10 charge per child to cover ingredients. Children's names will be drawn out of a hat on Wednesday 10th April and you will be notified by email if your child has a place.  There is no need to re-register for the last two sessions of tag rugby with Pete Healey. However, if your child cannot or does not wish to continue, please let us know.

Mondays: Country dancing Y3-6 (Miss Taylor), Yoga - Invited children only (Sue Nash).

Tuesdays: Cricket Y4-6 (Mr Davies)

Wednesdays:Tag rugby Y4-6 (Pete Healey) for 2 weeks until the rugby festival

Thursdays: Gardening & nature Y3-6 (Mrs Lowe and Mrs Taylor-Ball), Multi-sports YR-2 (Mrs Leggett), Cooking Y5&6 (Mr Davies)

healthy children

We have noticed that some children are bringing unhealthy break time snacks and items in their packed lunches such as chocolate and sweets. In addition, some highly processed foods are advertised as being healthy, examples being cereal bars and fruit twists but on closer inspection the sugar levels can be very high. Sugary foods in turn have a yoyo effect on blood sugar levels, impacting the children's concentration and energy levels in class and throughout the day, and ultimately their  behaviour, wellbeing and academic performance. Please can we ask that you review any food you send to school for your child. Raw fruit, vegetables and crackers/savoury biscuits are far better choices for snacks. Please check out the following link for ideas to help with snacks and lunch box ideas plus other information to help your family 'eat well and move more':

You may also be interested in the following links which have advice for activity levels and sleep guidelines:  and

Please have a happy, healthy and active Easter holiday with your children.

Mrs Leggett

well done to our winners!

Congratulations to Sam O, Millie B, Josh W and Elliott S who have won the first round of the inter-schools Nature Quiz! We are looking forward to finding out who they have to play against next...

ptfa jumble sale 13th april

Our PTFA are organising a jumble sale to be held in the school hall on Saturday 13th April. If you would like a table, please email to book. Hopefully this will be a good opportunity to recycle and reuse some of your unwanted items and raise some cash for your family. Tables cost £5 each, and you then get to keep all the money you make selling your unwanted items. 

plant sale

School Council would like to hold a cake and plant sale after the Easter holidays so if you are out in your gardens this Easter, please could you start collecting some cutting and seedlings for our sale.

Many thanks

Mrs Wiseman

bingo night! 

Our PTFA are busy organising a fabulous Bingo Night! They are planning on having a bar, and selling cakes and bakes too. We are very much looking forward to this! For tickets please email .

SCHOOL Dinners 

Menus for next term (8th April onwards) are now available from the school website - click to download or ask at the office for a printed copy. 

Please remember that all school dinner account balances should be in credit at all times. Many thanks. If your child's account is overdrawn please could you log in and clear the outstanding balance this weekend? Many thanks.

HAF (holiday activity and food) programme

You may or not be aware that the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme is funded by the Department of Education for those in reception to year 11 who receive benefits-related free school meals. Here is the link to book  Please also see the bottom of this newsletter where there are a few more flyers regarding exciting HAF events this Easter.

gloucestershire libraries

Safeguarding and E-Safety

It is important to continue to 'make a noise about bullying' and we hope that this link to the BBC's anti-bullying resources will be useful.

We would also like to bring to your attention a helpful guide on finding the ratings of online games and social media applications. This is a universal guide for any entertainment content:,deemed%20suitable%20for%20adults%20only.

Before and After School Care

If you are using our paid Before & After School Care facility, balances should be cleared by the end of each month at the latest. Many thanks. If you use government vouchers please email Mrs Tingle at  to advise when you have made a payment, each time you do this. 

How do I register my child?

To register for Before or After School Club, please complete and send in the booking form which can be downloaded from our website or ask Mrs Bowen for a printed copy. These forms should be returned to Mrs Bowen at .

Some useful links:

If you believe your family to be eligible for Free School Meals, please click on this link:

Health and sickness information "Is my child too ill for school?"   

Register for School Milk:

A collection of links to find and get help in all sorts of situations from Anxiety, Health related, young persons help, depression and much more: 


Please feel free to make contact with me via email should you need to speak to me. During evenings and weekends, I may not be able to respond to you straight away but I will make contact with you during normal working hours as soon as I can. Many thanks for all of your support.

Kindest regards 

Miss L Gladstone
