Twyning School - Newsletter 14.06.2024

Here is this week's news: 

Staffing news: I am delighted to let you know that Miss Taylor is expecting her second baby and will be leaving us during the autumn term for her maternity leave. We are now advertising for maternity cover for September in order to ensure that we have a really smooth handover of teachers for the children. I am sure you will all join me in congratulating Miss Taylor and her family and wish them well on this new journey together.

Other news: It has been a mixed week of rain and sunshine - please continue to send in raincoats if the forecast is mixed as we like to get the children outside at break times as much as possible. Also, please come and have a look through the lost property box situated by Mrs Bowen's desk in the entrance foyer - the box is overflowing!  Next week we are welcoming a team of volunteers from Hilton Puckrup Hall who will be clearing the weeds and tidying up the area around the bike shelter at the back of the school building - we are so grateful to them for doing this! If you see them hard at work please give them a thank you wave and a cheer! Tuesday sees a large group of our children representing the school at the inter-schools athletics championships - we wish them all the best of luck and are sure they will do their best and enjoy the event! Wednesday evening is "Bikers Nite" on the village green - our PTFA and parent volunteers will be selling teas, coffees, soft drinks, cakes and pulled pork baps so do come along and see all the bikes and enjoy a little refreshment!

I wish you all a wonderful weekend. 


Congratulations this week go to...

Jack Cox

Sasha Ryzhuk

Toby Kania

Arianne Gibbons

Poppy Young

Keira Nottage

Dates for your Diary

13th June - 6.00pm Y3&4 parents information evening for the residential trip. 

18th June - Tewkesbury Athletics Championships  (Y3-6 selected children TBA)

19th June - 'Bikers Nite' on the village green 6pm onwards (PTFA providing refreshments!)

27th June - Music concert in the school hall (pm) (Year 5s and 6s) 

Wednesday 3rd July - Sports day at 1pm 

4th July - John Moore Museum 'Nature' Workshop visiting us 

8th and 9th July - Year 5 and 6 Summer Play (see information below)

10th - 11th July - Years 3&4 residential at Noah's Ark children's venture, Macaroni Wood. 

11th July - Bag2School day.

17th July - Leavers Service at Tewkesbury Abbey (pm)

17th July - Leavers Disco in the school hall 6:30pm onwards (Years 5 and 6 only)

17th July - Summer Disco in the school hall 5:30 - 6:15 (Reception to Year 4)

22nd July - INSET DAY - School closed

23rd July - 30th August - Summer Holidays

2nd and 3rd September - INSET DAYS - School closed

13th September - Flu Spray - whole school immunisation

move more mini tennis tournament

Last Friday, four children took part in the Cheltenham and Tewkesbury mini tennis festival at East Gloucs tennis club, Cheltenham. They played singles and double matches against several of the other participating schools including Naunton Park and St. Mark's. They played really well and finished just outside the top 3 medal places. Well done to Livvy, William R, Keira N and Jesse. 


There seems to be a large amount of jewellery being worn at the moment - necklaces, lots of bracelets/friendship bands, hoop earrings, all of which must be removed before PE. It is also dangerous at playtimes, if any of these items should catch on clothing, fences, play equipment etc. Please can children only wear stud earrings if they have pierced ears.

sports day on the green - help needed!

Our annual sports day event will take place on Wednesday 3rd July at 1pm on the village green. As usual, we will need parent volunteers in order to enable our sports day event to take place. Please email Mrs Bowen on or Mrs Leggett on as soon as possible if you can help - it will involve running an activity station and will be explained fully to you beforehand. You would need to be available from 12.15pm at the latest to be briefed. Thank you.

Mrs Leggett

wonderful world of water

We were excited to enjoy an assembly given by Severn Trent this morning 'Wonderful World of Water' - children will be coming home with booklets to show you, and have all promised to use water wisely!

school tea towel - limited number available!

The school tea towels arrived today and have been sent out with the children tonight. There are just a few left!  If you still want one, please ask Mrs Bowen for one on Monday and bring £5 per towel.. 

Ladies and Gents this is the moment you've waited for....

It is almost time for our end of year production! This year the Year 5&6 children will be performing 'The Greatest Showman'!

We will be putting on three performances for you to attend:

Performance 1 - Monday 8th July @ 2pm. 

Performance 2 - Monday 8th July @ 6pm. 

Performance 3 - Tuesday 9th July @ 10am. 

Ticket letters have now been given out!

Times table Rockstars! (TTRS)

It was a battle between boys and girls this week...

Super work from Year 4 who have been working hard towards their Year 4 multiplication check!

Rock Battle results

Congratulations to...

Year 3 Girls

Year 4 Girls

Year 5 Boys

Year 6 Boys

In a battle of boys vs girls - it was very even throughout the week and it has finished in fantastic fashion! 

Times Table Rockstars ranks the 'most valuable players' during the rock battle this week and these children in each year group earned the acclaim:

Year 3: 

1: Keira R     2: Isla M       3: Molly E-C

Year 4:

1: Hallie B   2: Keira N     3: Leo H

Year 5:

1: Kellan R    2: Vienna K       3: Cleo C

Year 6:

1: Elliott E-C     


As a part of our Times Table Rockstar subscription - we have also been able to use a program called Numbots that focuses on understanding of number bonds, subitising numbers and addition and subtraction skills. We see this as a perfect step into understanding multiplication and division facts with Times Table Rockstars. 

Year 2's currently have logins so that they can access 'numbots' at both home and at school. We would also like to note that it is not a requirement that the children access this at home as they will currently be able to access this program during the school week.

This week - Charlie N has been given an award for achieving a great amount of correct answers this week! 

caterlink feedback needed!

As your catering provider, Caterlink value feedback to help them improve the service they provide to your children. This term they have drawn up a Parent/Guardian survey on the meal provision they provide.


Please complete the survey using the link below. The survey will close on 31st July 2024.



Please see below  some useful links to a few excellent wellbeing and mental health resources and an amazing digital therapy app for children: 

SCHOOL Dinners 

The cost of a school dinner is now £2.71.

If you believe your child may be entitled to free school meals, please look at this link 

Menus for this term are now available from the school website - click to download or ask at the office for a printed copy. 

Please remember that all school dinner account balances should be in credit at all times. If your child's account is overdrawn please could you log in and clear the outstanding balance over the weekend? Many thanks.

Before and After School Care - Price Increase

Fees for our before and after school care facility are increasing from September 2024 to £3.50 for a morning session and £7 for an afternoon session. We have kept the price stable for the last 2 years.

Balances should be cleared by the end of each month at the latest. Many thanks. If you use government vouchers please email Mrs Tingle at  to advise when you have made a payment, each time you do this. 

How do I register my child?

To register for Before or After School Club, please complete and send in the booking form which can be downloaded from our website or ask Mrs Bowen for a printed copy. These forms should be returned to Mrs Bowen at .

water bottles

It is always great to see the creative designs of water bottles that the children bring to school everyday - the children are all very good at keeping themselves hydrated particularly in the hotter weather but... Please can you ensure that the bottles (including their components which come apart) are regularly washed to avoid any mould building - this does happen especially if children have juice or squash rather than water. We do ask that children only bring water in their bottles rather than squash or juice as it so much healthier for them, particularly their teeth. This is very much recommended and is consistent with other primary school policies. Thank you.

Safeguarding and E-Safety

It is important to continue to 'make a noise about bullying' and we hope that this link to the BBC's anti-bullying resources will be useful.

We would also like to bring to your attention a helpful guide on finding the ratings of online games and social media applications. This is a universal guide for any entertainment content:,deemed%20suitable%20for%20adults%20only.

Some useful links:

If you believe your family to be eligible for Free School Meals, please click on this link:

Health and sickness information "Is my child too ill for school?"   

Register for School Milk:

A collection of links to find and get help in all sorts of situations from Anxiety, Health related, young persons help, depression and much more: 


Please feel free to make contact with me via email should you need to speak to me. During evenings and weekends, I may not be able to respond to you straight away but I will make contact with you during normal working hours as soon as I can. Many thanks for all of your support.

Kindest regards 

Miss L Gladstone


showborough house

2024 Opening times

Thursday 2nd May - Sunday 16th June

Thursday - Sunday

(& Bank Holiday Monday)

10:30am - 4:00pm

Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

sculpture and art exhibition