Internal Universal Design Reviews

As an instructor, you have the primary and ultimate responsibility to ensure every student in every course you teach can access your course materials. The Internal Universal Design Review at TWU examines your Canvas course using principles outlined in the Universal Design Toolkit. Reviews identify accessibility issues in course content and offer you as the Course Developer/Instructor (CD/I) potential ways to improve accessibility in your course materials.

 The Internal Universal Design Review will take approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Successful completion will enhance access to your course content for all students, and you will be able to add the following logo to your Canvas course:

Before the Review

Request a Sandbox by completing the Canvas Sandbox Request Form. Please include the course number of the course you will be submitting for the Internal Universal Design Review.  

Once you have received the Sandbox course, follow these steps:

The Review Process

After Completion of the Review

2. If the course does not meet Universal Design standards, the review is concluded: