Collegial Conversations #1

October 8, 2021 7:05 PM CST

Padlet Discussion Board

Moderator: Noralyn D. Pickens, PhD, OT

Care Coordination Clinical Reasoning: A Model for Interprofessional Health Professional Collaboration

Angela Benfield, PhD, OTR/L

Daniel J. Pesut, PhD, RN, FAAN


The purpose of this presentation is to describe a model which supports the essential thinking skills needed for inter-professional care coordination. Care coordination clinical reasoning is defined as the application of systems thinking to determine the practice issues, interdependencies, and interconnections of role relationships for collaborative work in service of caring for people to address problems, interventions, and outcomes through time and across health care contexts and services. Care coordination clinical reasoning skills requires the development of systems thinking skills at multiple levels of perspective, action, and interaction. Specifically, one must consider the system dynamics associated with the activities, roles, responsibilities, and contributions of an inter-professional health care team in a setting and to help the patient with transactions across health care contexts, services, or environment. This presentation will provide examples of unique teaching and learning strategies that can be applied at the level of team and organization that support insights about the dynamics of care coordination for enhancing safe, effective, high quality and cost-effective care. Implications: Using models which explicitly address the issues of working in an inter-professional healthcare team can improve the ability of professionals to work in an inter-professional setting and improve outcomes for their clients.