Online Giving

Why should I give?

We contribute financially to the mission and ministry of the church because it is a direct response to what God has done in Jesus Christ for all of us. God calls us to be Christ for the world, and the primary way in which we do that is through the work of the church both locally and across the world. The generosity of members is required to achieve what we have been called to do.

Where do my gifts go?

Our financial resources enable us to positively impact the spiritual, emotional, and physical lives of children, youth, and adults. We count on your generosity to be able to worship and work together for the greater good of the Kingdom of God.  Our collective generosity enables us to share the grace of God, love our neighbors in tangible ways, and improve the world for the sake of Jesus Christ. Since we receive no government funding, we count on the membership of the church to be generous with their financial resources. Simply put, the dollars you contribute to Dunaway's Chapel United Methodist Church make our world a better place!

How can I give?

All are welcome to give each week during the time for tithes and offerings in each service. We also offer an online option, including automated giving for those who would prefer to use a credit card. 

How do I give a memorial gift?

Make a gift to The Memorial Fund to memorialize those you care about. Gifts may be made to the Foundation in memory of deceased persons, to honor living persons, or to commemorate anniversaries or other special events.