What is AVID?

AVID is a college-readiness program designed for students who are motivated to succeed. It is a serious academic elective designed strengthen students' academic abilities so that they are ready for the rigors of college. 

What does AVID stand for?

Advancement Via Individual Determination.

 What happens in an AVID class?

The AVID curriculum, based on rigorous standards, was developed by middle and senior high school teachers in collaboration with college professors. It is driven by the WICOR method, which stands for writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading. AVID curriculum is used in AVID elective classes and in content-area classes in AVID schools. Additionally, students learn about college, and build community.

COngratulations Seniors!!!

Why join avid?

Questions: Contact one of the AVID coordinators




AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.


The AVID curriculum revolves requiring students to maintain a well-organized AVID BInder in which students take notes for all their academic classes, Tutorials in which students collaborate together to solve problems they are having in their classes. In addition, writing, reading, and higher level thinking strategies are emphasized.


AVID began in 1980 by Mary Catherine Swanson, then-head of the English department at San Diego's Clairemont High School.  The federal courts issued an order to desegregate the city's schools, bringing large numbers of inner city students to suburban schools. While applauding the decision, Swanson wondered how these underserved students would survive at academically acclaimed Clairemont High.

Her answer was AVID, an academic elective. But it's more than a program - it's a philosophy: Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge.


Beginning with one high school and 32 students, AVID now serves over 400,000 students in nearly 4,500 elementary and secondary schools in 47 states, the District of Columbia and across 16 countries/territories.

Policymakers and school administrators now consider AVID an essential strategy for closing the achievement gap and making the college dream accessible to all students