Ms. Baker

    School Counseling

Village TK-8 

School Counseling Program

What is the Philosophy and Mission of Village K-8 School Counseling?

The Village School Counseling support is an integral part of a team including parents, teachers, school psychologist and administrators. As your school counselor, I am here to provide guidance and counseling for all students in the area of academic, career and personal or social development. School counselors are vital members of the education team and maximize student success.

Hello Village Vikings,

The School Counseling services I support at Village include:

If you have any questions, concerns or need to schedule a meeting please contact me by phone or email. Students may email, or seek support by request with classroom teacher or main office. 

Ms.  Baker

School Counselor M.S. , P.P.S.

Twin Rivers Unified School District

Village K-8

916-566-1970 x 24552

GOOGLE VOICE-Call or Text     916-234-6703

Please visit the Twin Rivers Unified School District -Mental Health & Wellness a wonderful resource page for students and families!