K-5 Parent Involvement

Parental Involvement (PI) Opportunities

Allow 2-3 weeks for PI time to be entered.

Opportunity to Earn PI Time at VCS in both English and Spanish

Digital Citizenship and Safety Course (opportunity for earning informational hours) Digital Citizenship and Safety Course - earn 15 minutes for each of the 6 units that are available in both English and Spanish.  Units may be completed only once.  (monitored by Patrick.Murphy@tvcs.org)

Growth Mindset Videos- Informational PI Hours

Growth Mindset videos from the Florida Department of Education address how the research of Dr. Carol Dweck who states that the way students think impacts their attitudes toward learning and how they perform in the classroom. 

Each video lesson and accompanying survey will earn parents 30 minutes of informational time.  While both parents may review the three videos and five articles, credit will be awarded to only one parent for a maximum of 4.0 hours per household. 

To take advantage of this opportunity for earning informational hours, access these resources at: Mindset Videos and Resources for PI Time

Parent PI Books (for parents with Elementary Students Only)- Informational Hours

The K-8 Media Center offers the following books that you may read and take a test on for 2 informational hours.  Please email Deb Hayden  (Deborah.Hayden@TVCS.org) with the name of the book you have read if it has a star next to the title and she will send you the test to complete. The books without a star have AR tests that you will need to come into the media center to take the test.  

The media center is open from 7:15 am-3:30 pm.

The Elementary Media Centers offer the following books that you may read and take a test on for 2 informational hours.  I recommend you read them earlier in the year as they can be hard to find the closer we get to May!  Please note:  you must have a student enrolled in the Elementary School to read and test on these books for PI time.  The media centers at the Middle and High Schools have books for parents of their students. 

*The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon ( ****NEW- tests are available for parents of elementary, middle and high school students)

*The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson 

*How We Love Our Kids by Milan & Kay Yerkovich

*How to Talk so Kids Can Learn by  Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

*How to Parent so Children Will Learn by Sylvia Rimm 

*Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

*No Regrets Parenting  by Harley Rothbart 

*Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber

*The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman

1-2-3 Magia by Thomas W. Phelan Ph. D

*1-2-3 Magic by Thomas W. Phelan

*Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline

*Parenting Without Power Struggles Susan Stiffelman

The Way They Learn by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias

Raising Lifelong Learners- Lucy Calkins

*Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka 

These books are available at the media centers and at local public libraries.

Check here for other opportunities

Are you interested in helping out in the media center? Contact Deb Hayden (deborah.hayden@TVCS.org) with possible dates and times. 


We are looking for AR treasure box items. Please turn in the receipt with the items. 

We are looking for donation to create out makerspace. (If you purchase new items please send your receipt with the items so that we can give PI time credit. If items are used please give us an approximate value) Here is a list of items we are looking for:

Donation value $100 = 1 hour PI time