Mr. Dinko

Tuslaw Middle School


330-837-7807 ext 1006

Welcome to Tuslaw Middle School!  

We are life-long learners serving life-long learners.  The staff is excited about the fantastic year ahead.  As we continue to deliver quality education that meets the changing needs of all learners, the staff works diligently to design, enhance and implement meaningful lessons and learning experiences for our students.  As the Principal, I am honored to be able to serve on such a dedicated team.  The partnership between staff, students, parents and community is what makes Tuslaw Middle School so awesome!  Please reach out to us at any point throughout the year with questions, comments, or suggestions.  Your feedback and support is appreciated. 

Go Blue!

Mr. Dinko


Morning Drop Off for drivers: Middle School Parents: Morning drop off begins at 7:15 am. Children are expected to be inside the building by 7:40 am. When dropping off your child, please continue driving to High School Door 10 or as far down the sidewalk as you can go without blocking the crosswalks. Please have all students exit the vehicle on the curb side so the child is not getting out of the vehicle with possible moving traffic in the thru-lane. They can then walk back towards Door 7B to enter the Middle School. We will experience major traffic back-ups on campus and onto State Route 93/Manchester when parents stop directly in front of Door 7B to drop off their middle school child. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please drive safely.

Links to TMS school communication & information:

TMS Welcome Back Parents & Students with KEY School Year Info (sent through One Call)