Team Te Mahuri - Year 7/8

Kohikohi ngā kākano, whakaritea te pārekereke, kia puāwai ngā hua

Gather the seeds, prepare the seedbed carefully, and you will be gifted with an abundance of food

(Junior school Year 1-3) Te Kakano - A seed.

A student who is learning to be independent. A student who is learning to manage themselves. A student who is developing their awareness of school. A student who is developing socially, emotionally and physically. A student who is building a strong foundation to improve their cognitive capabilities. A student who is learning to relate to others and needs consistent nourishment to build to the next level of learning and understanding of the world that surrounds them.

(Middle school Year 4-6) Te Pihinga - A sapling or seedling.

A student who is finding their way upwards. Who has well developed social, physical and emotional needs and is building their cognitive skills and developing into the world and their environment as a kind and fair citizen. A student who is beginning to think critically about the world around them and their peers. A student who is making connections to their environment and needs continuous nourishment to grow and adapt to the conditions.

(Senior School Year 7 and 8) Te Māhuri - A young maturing tree

A student who has advanced social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills. A student who has advanced ideas of the extended world and their immediate environment. A student who is ready to change the world around them who has a sense of their community and leads change for others who follow in their footsteps. A student who will direct learning and reflect on how far they have come. A student who grows more independently everyday by managing themselves. A student who is proud of their identity and culture by participating and contributing to all learning areas.

Hapaitia te ara tika pumau ai te rangatiratanga mo nga uri whakatipu.

Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations.