Aimee Opincarne (aka Mrs. Opi)

TVA 8th - 12th Secondary Science Teacher

I am so EXCITED to be on this educational journey with you! This is my 22nd year teaching science and my 2nd year at TVA! Prior to teaching, I worked as a field biologist and as much as I love fieldwork, I knew that my calling involved teaching. I have taught just about everything from Astronomy to Zoology and I can honestly say - I love every single subject in science. I chose to teach at TVA because I knew I was going to be part of something unique and I had the opportunity to be part of building something so incredible. So - here I am!

TVA is unique because we have the ability to combine virtual and outdoor learning in a program that is local which means students make connections with peers, families, teachers, their community, and their environment in a safe, caring, and flexible platform.

This webpage is always UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I add new content often. If a link doesn't work, please, let me know.

For the quickest response time!

Response Time is usually

in 24 hrs.

Helpful videos for uploading, editing, and trouble-shooting

Helpful Content Videos

added to regularly

TVA STEAM Projects

S. T. E. A. M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)

After we start to get settled in to a routine, our hope is to offer STEAM projects to our students on regular basis. These projects are designed to engages students in creative endeavors and enhance their TVA experience.

Current Projects:

Crystal Snowflakes