Tina Ngo

Past Projects

The only experiments I did in the past and especially last year were in school. So not any experiments outside of school. But the class I was in last year to do all the research was in an “Intro: Biotech” class. Some of the labs we performed include Immunology/ELISA, bioinformatics/genetic testing, yEvo (yeast culture growth - salt), DNA extraction/PCR, and animal research. We also had a unit on biotechnology skills where we learned how to pipette and ect. In addition we had to do our own research on a gut biome. I picked the digestive system. I’m also OSHA certified as of last year.  

Current Projects

Projects I’ve worked on this year are in chapter two in the “Biotechnology” textbook by BIORAD with my partner, Amy. 2.C titled “Kool-Aid Column Chromatography” and 2.D “Making Solutions”. On 2.C our results were inconclusive. When we held our lab meeting none of the groups had consistent results. Our group has the most deviations and differences. Especially with the cartridge. 2.D went really well and had good consistency. In making TAE and TGS buffers. Now we’ve moved on to chapter three. Where we’re supposed to finish sections 3.A - 3.F + an extension activity for unit three. We just completed and finished 3.A “Making Microbiology Media” which for now turned out well. After we repoured / replated our petri plates a second time after it got contaminated. As of now we're currently working on 3.B “Disk Diffusion test” as of 10/18/22. 


I was born and raised here in Washington in the United states. I’m the second child in my household. And I’m part of the first generation of immigrants living here and am very fortunate. My parents didn’t have it so easy and worked hard to get where they are now. There's lots of pressure for me to do well and to get their validation. In the future I hope to do something in the medical field. And I know this class will help me in achieving this dream. But whatever I do in the future I hope to be living a happy, successful and fulfilling life.

Some activities outside of school I’m involved in are garden clubs. Which happens weekly on tuesdays. I also help out at my church and attend church school on saturdays. But I hope to get more involved in the future. Some hobbies I have are cooking and gardening with my mom. Kinda random but I enjoy coloring and taking naps. In order to destress. I also enjoy taking shopping because it's fun to get out of the house and buy something nice to benefit myself (especially if it's not my money). 
