Jesus Lee Mangune

Past Projects

In Jesus Lee’s freshman year, he was enrolled at Foster High School’s Intro to Biotechnology course. In this course, he learned the preliminary to being in the medical field. Which includes handling lab equipment, extracting DNA from various cells, and other investigations. Two significant studies he was involved with, was the Yeast Evolution project and C. Elegans Behavior. yEvo was a 7-week long project, consisting of culturing yeasts in different environments, and competing the best mutated colonies to each other. While the C. Elegans Behavior project’s purpose was to observe the chemotaxis of roundworms. Jesus Lee’s observation concludes organisms’ interaction with their ever-changing world.

Current Projects

Currently, Jesus Lee is performing multiple lab projects: Koch’s Postulates and Staining Eukaryotic Cells. Koch’s Postulates are currently being imitated through the causes of yogurtness. While in the process of incubating bacterias, he figured to move to the next lab; Staining and observing eukaryotic cells. This lab requires diluting stains to the right concentration, then observing stained cells through a microscope. After the incubation period, he plans to perform Koch’s Postulate 2, which is to “seperate the pathogenic agent from the diseased organism”.


Outside of school, Jesus Lee likes to be efficient with his time. From playing basketball, studying, or just spending time with his family. Although he still doesn’t have a clear view for his future profession, he plans on being personally financially stable before he graduates high school. Other interesting fact about him is that he likes to know everything, however, he first has to improve himself.
