Amy Duong

Past Projects

Amy Duong spent her freshman year taking an Introduction to Biotechnology class and is currently taking an Advanced Biomed class. Throughout these classes, she’s learned not only how to use different laboratory equipment and how to appropriately deal with occupational health/safety hazards but also has participated in various experiments. She’s done DNA extraction, an ELISA test, worked with C. elegans, and observed yeast evolution (among even more experiments). 

Current Projects

Currently, Amy is working on being able to make the correct calculations to make media of certain concentrations for agar plates. After pouring the agar plates with the media made using the calculations, she plans to perform a Kirby-Bauer test in order to learn more about bacteria’s susceptibility to antibiotics. She is working towards being able to have a deeper understanding of bacteria’s ability to share genetic material pertaining to the use of antibiotics which leads to antibiotic resistance.


Amy didn’t have a clear understanding of what biotech was past it being technology used for biology before taking the introduction class. But now that she does, taking this class helped give her an idea of what it would be like to pursue a scientific career. While her future plans still aren’t solidified - taking this class opened up new future possibilities to consider.
