Alex Brewster

Past Projects

Previous experiments I was involved with include secrets of the rain forest (dec 1-dec 17, 2021). In this lab, we extracted DNA; yEvo (April 19-jun 15) in this lab, we observed yeast growth under different circumstances; I observed yeast under a furniture habitat; DNA extraction and PCR (Jan 7-arp 29) in this lab, we Extracted and Amplified DNA and ran it through jels; ELISA (may 25-may 31) in this lab we tested for antibodies that could be detected in different solutions; C.elegans (Feb 7-Feb 25 in this lab we observed c elegans and did elegan subculture; Kool-aid(October 10, 2022) in this lab we separated pigment from a liquid (kool-aid); making solutions (October 15, 2022) in this lab we make NaCl solution. All of the labs listed were conducted in an intro to biotechnology class.

Current Projects

Currently, My lab partner and I are working on identifying a bacterial cell's basic structures. Using proper Gram staining technique and microscope techniques to stain, observe, and classify bacteria. So far (10/21), we have tested different antimicrobial substance's resilience to e.coli. As of today (10/19), we are making solutions and poring plates for future experiments.



This is the date is the date where I had to choose out classes for the coming 2021 school year. I had to choose between chemistry and biotechnology; I came to the conclusion that chemistry was not for me but at that same time, I wasn't sure if bio would be for me either; As a POC, I rarely saw people like me in the science field. So I blindly went into an intro to biotechnology with no prior experience. From there to now, I learned a lot of new things, and I developed a different way of thinking. I hope high school biotechnology/biomedical sciences will lead me to my future career path.
