Showalter Fitness

Ms. Curfman


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruptions in our lives.

During this time of grief and change, you may ask why is fitness important? This question can be difficult for some people to answer, most especially when everywhere you look, you’re likely to see people facing an unprecedented amount of stress from physical isolation, financial difficulties, and health anxieties — on top of strong feelings of frustration and anger as people protest against injustice across the country.

But now, more than ever, exercise is important. It can have a huge impact on anxiety you’re feeling due to coronavirus and help ease stress and depression. Although it may take some effort to create and adjust to new fitness routines, regular physical activity can help you optimize your health and well-being during the coronavirus pandemic.

The purpose of this class is to assist you in exploring the question: what does it mean for me to be healthy and fit? Not only the physical aspects of health, such as exercise and nutrition, but the social and emotional concepts of health. Being healthy is not about being thin or having bulging muscles. It is also more than being able to run long distances without getting tired or how much weight you can lift.

Being healthy looks different for different people. It is important not to compare yourself to others. Always try your best and take pride in your personal accomplishments and seeing yourself improve.

To be healthy you must care for your body and mind, as a whole — when you are healthy, you will feel well: physically, mentally and socially. Ultimately, a healthy lifestyle provides the means to lead a full life with meaning and purpose.

As you progress through this class, you will assemble your own portfolio of learning and track your physical activity giving you the knowledge you need to make a plan to manage your fitness and live a healthy life.

Course activities will be done in and out of class. In order to create a clear picture of your fitness and health, and how to best manage it, please complete all assignments and physical activities to the best of your ability.

Everyone needs fitness and health in their lives, so encourage your friends and family to participate in the fitness activities with you. Fitness is meant to be fun and interactive.

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Ms. Curfman for help.