Monthly Newsletter

Parent Mtgs

Upcoming Dates:




Join the MPTC Parent Boosters!!

We are a highly active group of parents and community members that love to help out with shows, events, and anything the sponsors and students need from us. In the past we have helped out with the following:

At events: Sell tickets, concessions, flower sales, donation collections

Fundraiser: Set up, coordinate

Shows: Build sets, paint, feed the cast, provide water

MPTC: Help with advertisements, banquets, gifts, awards

All volunteers within the Tempe Union High School District; including parents, are required to have a valid AZ Department of Public Safety Fingerprint ClearanceCard and to be processed through Human Resources (HR).

Want to go on Field trips with Us...

Follow the steps below:

Go To :!/region/Maricopa


· Complete Tempe Union High School District’s Online Volunteer Application at

Work at TUHSD, Frontline Applicant Login, External Applicants *Start Employment Application, START, Enter Information, Select Volunteer Under Vacancy Desired

· You will receive an email that your application was successfully submitted.

· After you have completed your application and received your AZ DPS Fingerprint Clearance Card, follow up with the school or department with whom you wish to volunteer.

· The school/ department will notify HR through electronic paperwork (PAR), that they have met with you regarding being a volunteer on their campus or in their department.

· HR will email you your new volunteer paperwork to be completed online through your application. Contact HR at the number included in the email to schedule a processing appointment.

· After your appointment HR will send out a volunteer permit to you and the school/department letting you both know that you are cleared to volunteer.