Useful Links

Click to contact Mrs. Peeters Weem by email. The syllabus for this course.

Khan Academy has useful practice and videos for those times you get stuck on your homework.

This Constructions site shows the steps for common geometric constructions.

Glossary of Terms, Glosario de términos

Useful Links and Videos

Mod 1: Chapter 4: Limits and Derivatives

  • Understand limits and continuity from the graph of a function.

  • Understand limits from the formula of a function without a graph.

  • Understand the concept and mathematical definition of a derivative.

  • Use the rules of differentiation to find derivatives.

  • Communicate mathematical ideas using correct and appropriate notation.

Useful Links and Videos

Mod 2: Chapter 6: Relations in Space

  • Use the rules of differentiation to find derivatives explicitly and implicitly.

  • Use derivatives to solve applied problems.

  • Communicate mathematical ideas using correct and appropriate notation.

  • Review properties of 3D space, angle measures, trigonometric ratios, identities, functions and equations.

Useful Links and Videos

Mod 3: Lessons 7.1-7.3, 8.4: Exponential and Logarithmic Differentiation, L'Hopital's Rule

  • Use the rules of differentiation to find derivatives explicitly and implicitly.

  • Use derivatives to solve applied problems.

  • Communicate mathematical ideas using correct and appropriate notation.

  • Review properties of exponential and logarithmic functions.

  • Connect differentiation and limits to integration.

Useful Links and Videos

Mod 4: Lesson 7.4, Chapter 8: Integration techniques and applications

  • Evaluate indefinite and definite integrals.

  • Use definite integrals to solve application problems.

  • Use various integration techniques to evaluate integrals.

  • Communicate mathematical ideas using correct and appropriate notation.

Useful Links and Videos

Mod 5: Chapter 9: Vectors and 3D space

  • Understand vectors and represent them geometrically.

  • Preform operations on vectors, and describe various properties of these operations.

  • Work with vector equations of a plane.

  • Applications of vectors.

Useful Links and Videos

Mod 6: Chapter 10: Complex Numbers

  • Review concepts of complex numbers.

  • Write complex numbers in polar form, find powers and roots, and study applications.

Useful Links and Videos

Mod 7: Chapter 11: Probability Distributions

  • Study axiomatic probability systems.

  • Solve problems related to probability distributions including binomial and normal.

  • Solve problems related to continuous random variables.

  • Find expected value.

Useful Links and Videos

Sequences: Arithmetic, Geometric,

Chapter 1: Sequences, Series and Proofs

Chapter 2: Functions

  • Understand the concept of a function, and function notation.

  • Interpret functions that arise in application in terms of their context.

  • Analyze functions using different representations.

  • Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities.

  • Attend to precision.

  • Look for and make use of structure.

Chapter 3: Complex Numbers

  • Solve quadratic equations and inequalities.

  • Simplify expressions involving complex numbers.

  • Find complex roots of polynomial functions, Fundamental theorem of Algebra.

  • Review equations, inequalities and systems.