At Home PD

Starting July 1st - every Wednesday in July (1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th)

✶ 45 minute sessions running between 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

✶ Delivered via video conferencing (Google Meet, Zoom…)

Click here to be added to the email list for up-to-date information

PD in Your PJs is a great way to learn more about Seesaw from the comfort of your own home! Check out the grade band resources below to view recordings of webinars designed for Seesaw beginners and webinars designed for more advanced users.

Stress and burnout are a very realistic part of our job as educators, and Elena Aguilar addresses practical steps towards combating this reality in her book “Onwards”. The resources below connect to the book and workbook activities provided for helping teachers build the habits necessary so that we can create thriving environments for our students.

Choose Your Own Adventure

Options for blending technology with best practices in the classroom for 21st learners with apps supported by TTSD in a fun Choose Your Own Adventure format.

New Curriculum Scavenger Hunt

With all the new curriculum at TTSD, this might be a good time to dig into the online materials and see what is really there. Here is a simple handout to store your findings for planning later. For (K-5) if you want to get to know our new science curriculum TWIG, contact your coach for log-in information.

Explore the resources these fabulous instructional coaches in our district have compiled in one website based on TuHS professional development initiatives.

Our elementary school coaches have pulled together a variety of helpful sources into one website here, to support our K-5 teachers with iPads.