Frequently Asked Questions

How many books am I allowed to borrow?

Each student may borrow four books at any given time.  Textbooks are not included in that count. 

How long can I borrow the books?

The standard checkout period for library books is three weeks.  Sometimes your teacher might want you to keep it for more than three weeks. Just let your librarian know.  Textbooks are usually loaned out for the entire school year. 

Do I have to pay late fees for overdue books?

Nope.  Zilch. Nada. We are a fine free zone. 😊 Although, you may be charged for lost or damaged books.  So, make sure you take care of your books. But if you think you've lost a book or may have damaged it, don't worry, just let your librarian know and we'll figure something out. 

May I charge my iPad or laptop in the library?

Yes. The library has several charging stations. Just stop by the library. You will be assigned a charging dock and will be given a receipt. Hold on to that receipt so you can claim your device when it is ready. 

What are the library rules?

In general, the library follows the same rules and guidelines set for the entire school and district. At HMS, our focus is on being safe, responsible and kind.  Specifically, each library patron is encouraged to:

Take care of our space - respect our surroundings, avoid bringing gum, or uncovered food or drinks, use furniture and materials as intended, put things back where they belong, cleanup after yourself.

Take care of our books and resources - use resources appropriately, take  care of them as if they were your own,  respect computer use guidelines, return materials on time or renew them as needed. 

Take care of each other - be kind to one another, be considerate of other patrons, teachers & staff, and observe safety protocols. 

 Didn't find what you're looking for?  Fill out the form linked below to contact  Miss Jhoanna Co 😊