Seesaw Parent & Family App

Seesaw is now being used across the Infant School to document each child’s learning journey. You can join in the amazing journey through the Seesaw Parent & Family App.

What is Seesaw and why is the school using it?

Seesaw is a powerful digital portfolio that allows children across the Infant school to record their learning Journey. By allowing their learning achievements to be shared, using a range of media including photos, drawings, and videos, even the quietest student can now be heard, communicating their own understanding in a way which suits them. As you may have observed from your child’s enthusiasm, children love the independence and personalisation that Seesaw provides them. The recorded journey is very much student-driven and motivated by their desire to share their learning with a real audience. In the Early Years, teachers often take the lead in creating and making post, but as children move from Reception into Y1, children becoming increasing independent at creating and choosing their own posts to share.

Viewing your child’s Seesaw portfolio.

You can access your child’s digital portfolio using the Seesaw Family App. Please download the app onto you iOS or Android device. Alternatively you may use on a desktop to access the account.

Your will be emailed an individual invite from the school to access your child's account.

This is sent out in Term 1 Week 4 (Nursery) and Term 1 Week 7 (Reception and Year One).

Using the emailed link, you will be able to create your own Seesaw Family account and then access your child’s portfolio. As well as viewing your child’s work, you will be able to type or voice record comments which your child will be able to see/hear when viewing their portfolio at school. If you already have an account for another child, you will simply be able to add that child to your app using the same account you previously created.

Who can see my child’s work?

The teachers and you are the only people who can view your child’s portfolio. No other parent is be able to see your child’s learning journey; however, collaborative posts will appear in the portfolio of each child that is tagged, so if you child produced a piece of work whilst working with another child then both sets of parents would see that one post. No other parent can see your child’s actual portfolio. You may wish to share the QR code access with grandparents or extended family, who would then be able to sign in and view your child’s learning journey.