unsafe headstones

UPDATE - 1 July 2024

The PCC has now agreed the next steps. Through August, September and October we will publicise as widely as possible that some headstones need attention. We will:

At the end of this period we will commission a stonemason to re-set any remaining stones securely. Headstones will be placed directly into the ground at a depth of 1/3 of its height.

We would much prefer that families made their own arrangemements to have the headstones secured professionally. Please contact us using the email link or phone number below to let us know if you have made arrangements to do this.


Quite a few of the gravestones in  St John Instow upper yard have been found to be unsafe. To keep vistors safe action needs to be taken and unless we hear from families the stones will have to be laid down. This has cost the church over £800 so far.

We are most anxious to find any kith and kin, so if you are able to carry out a repair, or if you know someone in the district whom the PCC could get in touch with, please get in touch (01271 861165). Headstones at risk have the following names: 

Agnew, Burnett, Cotterill, Culverwell, Dudley, Ford, Harding, Holbeche, Holland, Isaac, Lamey, Morton, Mugridge, Rawlinson, Rawstron, Richardson, Roger, Seyfert, Stockwell, Tomlin, Beer, Cramp, Orton, Rawstron, Spencer, Tythcott, and Woolaway

If no action is taken regarding we are obliged to lay them down in November 2023 which will cause upset to all affected.

Thank you in anticipation.