
Archdeacons’ Visitations

The Visitations are our opportunity to come together for an act of worship, give thanks for the ministry you offer, and to meet the necessary legal requirements, which include the swearing in of all Parish Churchwardens, whether you are new or continuing in office.


All licensed clergy, LLMs, Rural Deans and Lay Chairs are encouraged to attend, to show support and encouragement for their Churchwardens.


No person chosen for the office of Churchwarden shall become Churchwarden until such time as they are admitted to office. 


All Parish Churchwardens are required to attend one of these services to take their oath of office, and we shall need to note the names and parishes of those Churchwardens as you attend.  


Please note Deputy or District Churchwardens are not required to be sworn in.


Whilst the Citation is a legal document, Churchwardens are free to attend any Visitation service within the Diocese. If you would prefer to attend a Visitation service in another Archdeaconry then I will be happy to pass the details of those services on to you.


Churchwardens are reminded that it is now a legal requirement that they should be DBS checked. Newly elected Churchwardens must begin this process with their parish safeguarding representative at the earliest opportunity in order to be ready to take up their post by the time of the Visitations.


Please ensure that Churchwardens in your parishes are aware of the contents of this email and the need to attend a Visitation, particularly as we may not yet have contact details for all new Churchwardens. If you receive this email but are no longer a Churchwarden, please let any successor know and ask them to contact to ensure that details are updated on the Diocesan Database.


One of the things I enjoy most about this job are the conversations I get to have with Churchwardens about the many ups and downs of parish life. I have spoken to many of you since taking up post in September, and am looking forward to meeting you all and putting a face to the name during the Visitations.

Please see here the Citation for this year’s Archdeacons’ Visitations which will need to be displayed on your church door.