TSU International Symposium of Young Scholars has been hosting young scientists since 2017. The Symposium was initiated by Assoc. Prof. Ekaterine Navrozashvili – Head of the Department of Scientific Research and Development at the Faculty of Humanities, TSU.
The VI International Interdisciplinary Symposium of Young Scholars (ISYSH-2024) will be held on October 11-13, 2024.The Symposium is open for young researchers from Humanities and other fields.
The main focus of the VI International Symposium of Young Scholars is Georgian (Kartvelian) linguistics, a field that has a century-old history at TSU. Within the framework of the symposium, there will be thematic sections, a round table, discussion forums, formal and informal meetings.
The aims of the symposium are:
a) Promotion and encouragement of interdisciplinary studies;
b) Presentation and popularisation of diverse possibilities of linguistic researches;
c) Popularisation and internationalization of sciences that study Georgia;
d)Extending and supporting communication between scientists of different generations; highlighting the role of young scientists;
e) Promotion of young researchers in establishing connections with local and foreign colleagues and sharing scientific achievements.
The Symposium is open for students of Master and PhD levels, and for young scholars with PhD and Master's degrees.
Symposium covers the following topics:
Linguistics (main course – Kartvelian linguistics) – Kartvelian languages (Georgian, Megrelian, Laz, Svan); North Caucasian languages; Theoretical and applied linguistics; Historical-comparative linguistics; Linguistics of the text; Language and modern technologies; Language teaching issues.
Literary studies – Georgian literature; History of literature, Theory and literary criticism; Comparative literature studies.
Translation and translation studies – theory and practice of translation; Old Georgian translation (Bible, Patristics); Textology; Text history and translation techniques; Linguistics of translation.
History and Archaeology
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
Culture and Art
Venue: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Main Working Languages: Georgian, English.
Time Limit:
Presentation – 20 minutes;
Discussions – 10 minutes;
Abstracts will be submitted to the Symposium Review Committee for the review.
Important Dates:
Date of Symposium: October 11-13, 2024
Abstract Submission deadline: August 31, 2024
Reviewing of the abstracts – August 15, 2024 - September 15, 2024
Notification regarding participation within a month after submission;
Deadline for payment of the registration fee – September 20, 2024 (in case of inclusion of the presentation in the program);
Deadline for making changes in the program – September 30, 2024;
Volume of Georgian abstracts: 400-500 words; volume of English abstracts: 400-500 words;
Please note that late submissions will not be accepted.
Registration fee for the speakers (after receiving the consent letter):
Georgian speakers - 120 GEL;
Foreign speakers – 120 EUR;
Georgian co-authors (each co-author) – 60 GEL;
Foreign co-authors (each co-author) – 60 EUR;
Bank Account Number:
National GEL (GEL) Account: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University: 204864548;
Recipient Name - United National Treasury Account;
Receiving Bank - State Treasury;
Bank Code - TRESGE22;
Recipient's Account / Treasury Code: 708967253.
Registration fee includes:
Attendance at the Symposium Opening Ceremony (October 11, 2024);
Attendance at all Symposium sessions (October 11-13, 2024);
University tour;
Symposium program;
Symposium materials;
Symposium proceedings;
Coffee/tea break.
After receiving the consent letter, please pay the registration fee by the indicated deadline.
When transferring money, please indicate:
Name and surname of the presenter;
VI International Interdisciplinary Symposium of Young Scholars.
The organizer of the symposium is the Department of Academic Research and Development of the Faculty of Humanities, TSU;
The co-organizers of the symposium are:
In the scientific direction, the coordinator of the symposium is the Educational and Scientific Institute of the Georgian Language of the Faculty of Humanities, TSU;
Address: Room N 204, 1 Ilia Chavchavadze Ave., Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Main Building, Tbilisi, Georgia.
E-mail: isysh@tsu.ge
Contact persons: Natia Putkaradze, Lizi Dzagnidze, Giorgi Jgharkava, Elene Lursmanashvili, Giorgi Kitoshvili