Accommodation options
Accommodation options
As for sleeping accommodations, about 400 meters (=0.25 miles) from Vidar there is a bungalow park called Beekse Bergen. These cozy bungalows can host up to 6 athletes per bungalow. The bungalow park is big enough for large groups to stay there. When staying there, you can use their complete facilities, including unlimited use of their swimming pool and the zoo. These bungalows are located right next to the rowing course, so you won’t need a car to travel from the bungalows to Vidar. There is also a possibility to camp at Beekse Bergen. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!
NOTE: it is possible to receive a discount on the bungalows, if these are booked through Vidar!
To see all accommodation options; visit the Beekse Bergen site: