My Classroom 

Classroom Expectations

Behavior Expectations

1.    Try your best!

2.   Be kind!

Behavior Policy

Individual Behavior

      I have a mini-economy system in my room.  Students will be paid for completing homework each day. They can also earn money for various reasons throughout the day. They will be able to use this money to purchase items from my classroom store on Fridays or save their money to buy more expensive/desired items in the future.  Students can also lose their money by not doing homework, classwork, or making poor choices at school.  I will also have a class reward system where if the whole class is doing well working and/or following school expectations then the class earns a marble.  Students will vote on a class reward and the amount of marbles it will take to earn this. 

It is my hope that the mini-economy approach to setting a positive climate in my classroom will promote positive behavior and is a start to teaching students about money.  If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Student Handbook

Woodland 2023-24 Student Handbook.pdf