Mrs. Vandewalle

Hi families and students,

I am looking forward to a great 2023-24 school year! The students who are in my room may come for core reading, math, and writing, or come for support depending on what their IEP says. We work hard in small groups to move forward with our subjects. I usually send a newsletter home on Fridays with the reading pages assigned and spelling list for the next week. 

My grading scale in my room is the same as the rest of Mintonye: 90-100 A; 89-80 B; 79-70 C; 69-60 D; and below 60 F. Since we try to work on each child's level you should not see very many scores below 70%. We do read for AR every month along with the regular classroom.  If you have any questions please email me at

About Mrs. V.: I have taught Special Education for 38 years. I co teach in the reg. classroom or teach small groups in the resource room. I graduated with an undergraduate degree in Elem. Ed./Sped. Ed. at Purdue and have a Masters in Learning Disabilities, and Emotionally Handicapped.  I grew up with a special needs brother who has kept me realistic about expectations. If you don't expect any growth you won't get any.

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