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Use the IXL indicators below to choose a skill to work on. The indicators are list below.

Finishing 10 or more of the indicators will earn you a badge!

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4th Grade IXL Indicators


A.2 - Place Value Names

C.2 - Rounding

E.3 - Subtract

F.5 - Properties

G.3 - Factors

G.5 - Multiples

H.16 - 4x1

I.10 - 2x2

K.14 - Long Division

O.13 - Input/Output

P.6 - Equivalent Fractions

Q.1 - Mixed Numbers

Q.3 - Convert Mixed to Improper

Q.4 - Convert Improper to Mixed

R.8 - Compare Fractions

BB.3 - Create Line Plots

BB.5 - Interpret Line Graph 

BB.7 - Interpret Bar Graph

DD.1 - Measure with Inch Ruler

HH.2 - Area

HH.7 - Complex Area

II.1 - Points, Lines, Rays, Line Segments

II.2 - Parallel, Perpendicular, Intersecting

JJ.6 - Protractor

KK.3 - Classify Triangles

LL.7 - Quadrilaterals

Language Arts

B.1 - Theme

E.2 - Sensory Details

F.5 - Figurative Language

H.1 - Inference Feelings

H.4 - Making Predictions

M.1 - Fantasy with Pictures

N.1 - Realistic Fiction

N.2 -Historical Fiction

N.3 - Poetry

U.1 - Fact and Opinion

Y.8 - Affixes

Z.2 - Greek and Latin Roots

KK.2 - Identify Nouns in a Sentence

KK.7 - Forming Plural Nouns

KK.8 - Using Plural Nouns

JJ.1 - Sentence Types

LL.4  - I and Me

OO.3 - Identify Regular Past Tense

OO.4 - Form Regular Past Tense

OO.5 - Irregular Verbs

OO.6 - Irregular Verbs

OO.7 - Irregular Verbs

OO.8 - Irregular Verbs

OO.13 - Use the Progressive

OO.14 - Form the Progressive

QQ.6 - Adverbs

QQ.11 - Adjectives that Compare

QQ.12 - More or Most Adjectives

RR.1 - Prepositions

RR.3 - Prepositional Phrases

TT.1 - Contractions

TT.2 - Contractions with "not"

VV.1 - Capitalize Names

VV.2 - Capitalize Times

VV.3 - Capitalize Places

VV.4 - Capitalize History

VV.5 - Capitalize Adjectives

VV.6 - Capitalize Review

5th Grade IXL Indicators


OO.1 - Find the Mode

OO.2 - Find the Mean

OO.3 - Find the Median

OO.4 - Find the Range

UU.4 - Volume of Rectangular Prism