Drama Club Information


Drama Club is sponsored by Lori Caldwell-Hopkins and Beth Simpson. Drama Club meets during activity period as an “A” club in the auditorium and after school on “Theatre” Mondays from 2:30-3:30PM in the LGI room or EN105.  Drama at McCutcheon involves both curricular and extracurricular opportunities.  Theatre Arts and Advanced Theatre Arts are elective courses available for students to deepen their knowledge of Theatre in the classroom in a “hands on” environment. The Fall Play, Spring Musical, Holocaust Play, workshops, and community performance opportunities give students a chance to participate in theatre after school. The club also sponsors an Original Scene &  Film Festival in the spring where students can write their own scripts, audition, and develop a scene or  make a film for competition with other club members.  Scenes and Films are viewed for recognition at our end of the year celebration.

 In order to join the club, $40 dues should be turned in by September 29, 2023.  Contact one of the officers: Kali Jewett, Millie Coolman, Noah Bower, or Cassie Fogle for info on joining club notifications via the band app.

LINK TO PAY FEES: https://secure.payk12.com/school/_/312/item/240158

2022-23Club Info Sheet