Classroom Policies

Classroom Rules

In kindergarten, we are learning how to be the best citizens we can be. Here are the classroom rules.

  1. Be safe.

  2. Be kind.

  3. Be responsible.

  4. Make good choices.

  5. Do your best at all times.

Kindergarten Pupil Evaluation

Your child's mastery of taught standards will be shared on a report card four times a year, which are referred to as quarters. The evaluation scale is as follows:

  • 90-100% Mastery = 4

  • 80-89% Mastery = 3

  • 70-79% Mastery = 2

  • 69% and Below = 1

All items marked 3, 2, or 1 will result in further teacher-assisted work toward mastery. Unmarked items indicate that the instruction will be given at a later time during the school year.

Discipline Policy

At BGE, our motto is, “We treat people right and do the right thing!” That motto will be reinforced with the classroom rules listed above. Life skills such as caring and cooperation will be discussed and practiced daily. The best discipline policy begins with growing kindness, mindfulness, self-awareness, self-regulation, and social skills. We will practice those principles each day with teachable moments, songs, role-playing, and our friends Tom and Tabby Cat.

Natural consequences will be used whenever safe and possible. Escalated steps of reinforcement include: thinking time for self-regulation, loss of privilege(s), and office referral. It's important to remember that in kindergarten, we rely on the importance of YET. Therefore, poor choices are most often developmentally appropriate as a young learner works towards social mastery and gleans knowledge from attempts and mistakes. If your child's behavior is a significant issue or becomes a concern, I will reach out to you.

Weekly Schedule

Ahlersmeyer Kindergarten Daily Schedule 2022-2023.pdf