The Leader in Me and the 7 Habits language are important components of our classroom community.  By working together we can provide the best possible learning environment for each child. This requires structure, consistency, and high expectations for behavior. At Dayton Elementary, we encourage positive behavior. We want our students to use the 7 Habits to be safe; be responsible; and be respectful.  Procedures are in place for activities as simple as how to move through the hallways…. to how to behave on the playground and in the lunchroom. 

The school-wide behavior expectations are carried over into our classroom to provide an organized and structured, “smooth-running” environment for every class member. By - stating the expectations clearly from the beginning, incorporating the 7 Habits, and having parental support - all students will be able to focus on learning and leading.

In addition to the 7 Habits, I also include the Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) behavior management component. Students are more engaged in lessons (increased participation=more brain power). As individuals and as a classroom community, students understand and work to follow the (5) WBT rules.

Room 16’s 5 basic rules - (based on Whole Brain Teaching)

1. Follow directions quickly.

2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.

3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.

4. Make smart choices.

5. Keep your dear teacher happy.

Rule 4 is a powerful rule which can cover every area of your child’s world. We want our children to - make smart choices…be proactive….begin with the end in mind. Rule 5 was specifically designed for when a student does something unexpected - hurtful comments, disruptive, or disrespectful behavior……How does your decision impact others around you? Are you thinking win-win? Are you seeking to understand and then be understood? In my discussions with students, it is a discussion. We talk about behavior choices. I am very specific so s/he understands the problem and how we can use one of the 7 Habits to achieve a positive outcome.

Our class will work together through shared stories, activities, and discussions of good behavior to create a classroom community. Much effort will be given by all to create a positive atmosphere for our classroom community!