
Websites for Extra Practice

We are currently working on:

  • Decimals (tenths & hundredths)
  • Decimals and relationship to Fractions
  • Comparing decimals

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We have started our multiplication unit. Many students are struggling with their multiplication facts. Knowing these facts not only helps them to solve problems faster, it also allows them to focus on the new concepts we are teaching them and not get hung up on the math facts themselves. I know that memorizing math facts is not fun but I have put together a few ways that students can practice their facts in a more enjoyable way.

Here are some interesting ways to practice math facts without internet:

  • Flashcards (make the traditional flashcards); add a spin to it and play hot/cold game or hide them in the room and when they find the card they have to tell you the answer
  • Students roll two dice, then multiply the 2 numbers they rolled together.
  • Create a memory game–one card contains the factors, the other contains the product.
  • Dominoes-students draw a domino that is face down. They multiply the dots on either side of the domino together. To make this more challenging, use two dominoes and add the numbers of each domino and then multiply those numbers together. You can also make a game of war by battling with the answer of the multiplication on the domino. Highest product wins the dominoes.
  • Playing cards-students draw two cards that are face down. They multiply the values on the two cards together. Make the Jack worth 11, Queen worth 12, and the King worth 0. You can also make a game of war by battling with the answer of the multiplication on the the cards. Highest product wins the cards.
  • Place pieces of papers on the floor with the products of multiplication facts written on them. Using a fly swatter they swat the correct answer to the multiplication problem.
  • Use chalk and make a hopscotch board with math facts and they can only proceed if they provide the correct answer.

There are also websites that can be used to help study math facts.

Please help your child study. There are many ways you can make studying your math facts fun.


Kristie Hostetler

Multiplication Fact Fluency

As we continue with our multiplication unit, I have sent home this letter with students in the Friday Folders. It provides ideas of ways students can become more fluent with their multiplication facts.