Discipline Policy

Behavior Charts

Each child will have a behavior chart in his/her home folder. This chart must remain in folder- please do not tear out. Behavior charts will be filled out daily- please refer to the behavior codes on the bottom of each chart to understand the day’s behavior.

Good behavior is a choice that each child is encouraged to make. If a student chooses not to follow the Life-Long Guidelines and Life Skills, he/she will face the following consequences:

  • Your child will be given a reminder.

  • Warning will be given next.

  • Immediate removal from the activity.

  • Time deducted from recess or free-time in 5-minute increments.

  • If problems are not corrected, parental contact will be made. (I will do my best to contact parents; however, during the school day I may not have the opportunity to make contact right away.)

Final Action: Referral to principal.

Physical violence is not tolerated at Mintonye Elementary.

In the case of physical violence or other extreme action, the child will be immediately taken to the principal.

During your child’s time at Mintonye in first grade, I hope he/she will learn to become a good citizen, active life-long learner, and gain the love for learning. Our attitude and behavior greatly affect these goals. (Parents, please encourage these guidelines and skills at home.)