Reading Strategies

Helping Your Child At Home: Reading Strategies Parents Can Use

Help your child hear the sounds by asking him/her to think of a number of words that start with a specific sound, such as the “ssss….” sound.

Reading and staying nursery rhymes together is a great way to increase phonemic awareness.

Encourage your child to write and spell notes, e-mails, and letters.

In order to read fluently, we need a lot of practice with hearing how good reading sounds and with reading out loud. Read aloud often to your child.

Ask your child to read to you

Learn the meaning of new words. The larger your child’s vocabulary, the easier it is for him/her to understand the meaning of the text.

Show your child how to be an active reader. Discuss what your child has read. Ask your child probing questions about the book and connect the events to his or her own life.