Classroom Management


     MOSTLY HUGS!  I will stress school family, our special school glue, and teamwork this year.  My classroom management involves talking with the children about using their personal best, using active listening in and out of the classroom, being truthful and trustworthy, and absolutely no put downs.  Once in a while, a phone call may be needed to show your child that parents and teachers work as a team also.  Most calls are very positive!

     There will be no tattles, since we always tell 5 nice things about someone, before a tattle. Reports are welcomed.  Any physical hurting toward one another will automatically result in a phone call and parent visitation to our classroom before or after school with you, your child, myself, and Mr. Pearl.   I will treat your child with respect and this must be reciprocated.

     Each school day, all children should be “Ready to Learn” as teachers should be “Ready to Teach.” If learning is in that particular mode for that day, my first graders will have the opportunity to earn an M & M or a treat at the end of the day for “Believing in Themselves and Trying Their Best.”  If not, the children will have the opportunity to discuss with me how to improve behaviors in a “Think About It” or “Teacher’s Choice” area.  The first graders will have chances to earn back their  “Ready to Learn” status when “trying their best.”  If we need a home/school connection regarding the above, a call will be made and the child’s parent or guardian will need to come in for a conference with child, principal, and teacher.  Rarely does this occur.

     A star program will be incorporated for children that need the extra encouragement to treat people right and do the right thing, or to conquer any classroom habits that may need some adjustments.  Different colored stars will only be given; never taken away in this program. 

     At the end of each school day, a chocolate hug or M & M is given...and we are ready to get back into the "Ready to Learn" mode...awaiting a fresh new day!