Grading Policy

Grading Scale

Grades in all subject areas will be determined through a combination of formal and informal assessment.  Mastery, partial mastery, and non-mastery of Indiana State Standards will be assessed in all areas.

A standard grading scale is used as follows:

90%-100%   A

80%-90% B

70%-80% C

60%-70% D

59% and below F

Math: Math grades will be based on in class assignments, homework and assessments.

Reading: Reading grades will be based on in class assignments, homework, projects, response to reading, AR and tests.

Language Arts: Language Arts grades will be based on in class assignments, homework and quizzes.

Writing: Writing grades will be based on short in class and homework assignments and lengthier essays/narratives/poetry.

Science: Science grades will be based on in class assignments, homework, projects, and tests.

Social Studies: Social Studies grades will be based on in class assignments, homework, projects, and tests.

Weighted Grades

Each individual area on the report card will include a combination of grades for daily work and tests.   Tests are worth more weight as they show what the kids can do independently.   Some assignments may be given a participation grade only.  This means if they do the work regardless of right/wrong answers they will be given credit. 

Late Work

**Late Work Policy: ONE DAY LATE=10% off final grade. More than one day late-student will receive 0%, but work still needs to be turned in.

Personal Growth and Study Habits

The personal growth and study habits are graded on a four point scale

4 is mastery

3 is approaching mastery

2 is developing mastery

1 is needs improvement

The personal growth and study habits are as follows:

1.  Works cooperatively with others.

2.  Is respectful of others and property.

3.  Puts forth best effort perseverance.

4.  Accepts and demonstrates responsibility.

5.  Behaves with integrity while at school.