Grading Scale

Grading Scale

A = 100% - 90%

B = 89% - 80%

C = 79% - 70%

D = 69% - 60%

F = 59% - 0%


Select grades will be taken from daily work, quizzes, and tests. The grades will be determined based on the assignment. These grades will be entered into the grade book on Powerschool and automatically averaged. Grades will be posted as soon as possible, there could be possible delays. Some grades will not be published if there are students work still out or need to be retaken.

Missing work:

If a student is missing work, I will allow the student one day to complete the missing work with a completed from from the student and parent. This form will keep the parents up to date on what was missing and keep the student accountable for the missing work. The student will have a chance to receive full credit if the form and missing work are turned in the day after. If they are not turned in the day after, the assignment will go in as zero's in the grade book. One-on-one conferences between the student and teacher will take place if missing work starts to become a re-occurring habit. If it is too re-occurring, parents will be notified and we will come up with a plan to help the student and consequences if it the habit cannot be broken.

Absent work:

Good attendance is important for students, there are some lessons that cannot be done virtually. If a student is absent, they will have 2 days after to turn in missing work the day they come back. If the student does not complete and turn in absent work by the two days, they will be counted as zeros.