Current Programs

Become a youth advocate! We are creating a space for young leaders to convene with peers in order to create community change. We believe youth have the ideas to improve our community and only need support to bring them to fruition. We are hosting a space for youth to discuss community topics that interest them and receive support from Truth to Power’s team in learning community organizing strategies that will support them in creating change on their proposed issues.

Our Student Support Team has been trained to facilitate conversations around teen dating violence and street violence (Safe Dates and Safe Streets curriculum). In both series students will get to explore topics around building healthy relationships, communication skills and resolving conflicts. Participants will also get the chance to win a prize through our Poster Contest, demonstrating their knowledge of the Safe Dates curriculum; and a student-led activity that will encourage youth to pursue peace in Baltimore City!

Young writers and musicians are invited to create with us! Join our virtual studio as participants learn music production techniques and practice songwriting in a supportive environment. We will guide participants through several writing and music exercises to increase their expertise in Hip Hop production and improve the creative self expression skills of older youth.

We invite youth to develop the essential skills for leadership: critical thinking, community engagement, local activism, stress management, restorative practices and self expression that will allow our young people to be leaders in conversations around community change. Participants will build their own restorative practices, creative skills, and their capacity to change their community.

We plan to offer several mindfulness and art based workshops monthly to engage the community with information, skills and resources that will be valuable for increasing use of restorative/healing practices in black and brown communities. We encourage adult participation in these workshops, especially caretakers attending alongside their child!

Our team and local community members are working together to support our community. We have gathered essential PPE such as masks, hand sanitizers, granola, water along with freshly prepared burgers to distribute to the homeless and others in need in our community. This is also an opportunity for young Baltimoreans to learn about the importance of mutual aid networks and how to start similar work in their areas, while learning about the importance of relationship building in our communities.

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